Why cant I

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Avas pov

I walked with Emma down the stairs and into the kitchen. Once I heard that girls liked him I was mad. I wish that I could be there next to his side but instead I'm at home pregnant. I know its only until the babies are born because I'm going back to school. I made some tacos for dinner and then went and took a shower. I wasn't up to do anything else. I walked into the bedroom and laid down. All of a sudden I started crying. I was done being pregnant. I wish I could have my old life back. Almost to were my secret of liking Lucas was never told. But let me tell you. I will always love my kids to the end of life. They are no regrets about having them. They might not be in the world yet but I love them so much already. Everything was going through my head all at once.

"Hey why are you crying baby?" Lucas said.

"Why couldn't everything be okay. I'm done being pregnant I'm done with everything. I cant do it anymore Lucas!" I said crying even harder. He wrapped his arms around me. All I did was cry into his shoulder.

"Ava its okay. Everything is going to be okay. I know its hard for you but think. There coming in the next two weeks. Just relax and go to sleep."

We laid down and he held me close. It almost felt as if it was the night we first told each other we loved each other. I soon feel right to sleep.

Im in love with my cousin!?Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt