House Hunting

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Ava's pov

(24 weeks)

Its been a week since we adopted Emma. Its weird because she was my cousin now she's my daughter and really I wouldn't want anything different. Today we are looking at houses since I cant live with my mom with three kids. She is really supportive but that's one thing she would like us to do is get a house. Your probably wondering what happened with my dad. Well he died 3 years ago. He was serving and was shot in his chest. I took it really hard. I loved my dad with my whole heart. We did everything together. I haven't been the same after that. I learned that every minute you have with your family you should be making memories and having fun.

"Ava are you ok?" Logan asked. I noticed I was crying.

"Yeah I'm just thinking of my dad."

"I know its hard but he's in a better place now. Just know that he is watching over you and the babies and the family."

"I know." The rest of the way was quite. We were meeting at a house that I saw online for 234,000$. The whole family was going to pitch in a little to help. Lucas had 150,000$ saved up from races he's won. I had 200,000 saved up because my dad had an account for me and I got a little bit of his money when he pasted.

We wanted the budget to stay kind of low because we still have to pay for babies room things. Emma's room, clothes, and horse. Yes she has a horse that's named Hero. And those two are Best friends.

"Ok here is is!" Lucas said pulling into the drive way. It was white with a huge yard and a barn in the back and a porch in the front and back. It had 4 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. A huge living room, a huge kitchen with all new appliances, and a finished basement.

We went inside and looked around. The owner of the house meet us there to show us around. When we were done we loved the house so we signed some papers and we owned the house! It was about 20 minutes from my moms house so that was nice but it was a little longer from Lucas house. It was about an hour and a half.

I decided that I would take online classes. So I could stay home and watch the kids for about 2 months then go back to school. Lucas decided that he would go to school. He would drop Em off at daycare then go. School started later this year. They were doing a bunch of stuff with the school so they would only have school for three months. Then another summer break. It was weird.

We drove back to the cabin where everyone was. We walked through the door and everyone was either in the living room or the kitchen.

"We got the house." Lucas said looking in the fridge for food.

"Congrats!!" everyone was saying.

"Thank you! Where's Emma?" I said looking to see where she was.

"She just got laid down to go to sleep." My grandma said. Logan and I walked up the stairs to the room.

"Mommy! Daddy! Em said with wide eyes!"

"Hi baby girl!" Lucas said getting her out of the crib and hugging her. He sat her on her lap and sat on the bed.

"We bought a house that we are going to be living in with you brothers or sisters, or brother and sister!" I said. That reminded me that I have to still find out the genders.

"When will I know?" Emma said.

"Tomorrow!" I said. "Now go back to sleep sweetie! I love you sooo much!" Lucas laid her in her crib. We left the room and went back downstairs. We went to the basement where Ryan, Abby, and Noah were.

"So what's going on in your lives?" Abby asked.

"Nothing. Just having two babies on the way, Adopting Emma,and buying a house." Lucas said.

"How much was the house?" Ryan asked.

"Um I think it was 300,000. A little over budget but it was a nice house. All updated, in the country, barns for Emma's horse, 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, big living room, finished basement for the kids to play in, so ya its nice."

"Nice when are you guys moving in?" Noah asked. Dang they had a lot of questions.

"In a couple days. We have to get things for the babies room and Emma's room. The living room and basement are all furnished so that's the only things we have to get."

"Good. It will be a little easier then." Abby said.

"Well I'm going to sleep. Were leaving tomorrow Ava so are you coming home with us or staying here?" Abby said standing up.

"Not sure but if I go with you ill have everything ready before you leave." I said.

"Ok well goodnight love you all!" She said walking up the stairs. Trevor and Jared soon went to bed too.

"So are you going to leave?" Lucas said.

"Yeah. I don't want too but I have to get all my stuff packed from there and all of Emma's clothes are getting shipped there so I have to get those too. I'm going to miss you so much but it will only be maybe a week."

"Are you taking Em with you?"

"Yeah I was planning on it."

"Ok. I'm really going to miss you and the kids."

"I will too but you have to get your stuff also. We will talk every night."


We sat on the couch in silence before I started to get tired. I still had to pack mine and Emma's stuff up and we also have an appointment tomorrow. I got up and went upstairs.

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