chapter thirty-nine

Start from the beginning

"Jealous?" Zuko's eyes met mine as a smirk appeared on his face.

"Uh, yes? She's stunning." I looked down at my feet, blowing a strand of hair out of my face.

"Yeah, right." Zuko sarcastically snickered. "I've already hit the jackpot when i met you for the first time."

I could feel my entire face begin to flush as i looked back up at my smooth talking boyfriend with heart eyes that were definitely visible. Katara and Suki let out a few 'awes' as Sokka and Toph backed away and began to awkwardly chuckle.

"The bounty hunter with the giant mole is gonna help us?" Katara guessed, interrupting the moment.

"Mole? She's flawless." Suki complimented June, then earned a face palm from Sokka.

"No, she has this giant mole creature she rides around on." He corrected as Suki nodded her head.

"The shirshu." Zuko named June's pet, revealing its breed.

"Not bad, Zuko." I winked at him. "If anyone can find Aang, it's the shirshu."

"Yeah, it's the one shot we have of finding him."

"I don't know who this June lady is, but i like her!" Toph smiled widely as she examined June's fighting techniques.


"Where are we?"


"Great, it's Prince Pouty." June gave Zuko a nickname, pretending she was glad to see him. "Where's your creepy grandpa?"

"He's my uncle!" He corrected her aggressively. "He's not here."

"I see you've worked things out with your girlfriend."

"Yeah, i don't see how that's any of your concern." I jumped in passively, earning a look of annoyance from June.

"What do you guys want?"

"I need your help finding the avatar." Zuko proposed, causing June to drop her beverage onto the table roughly.

"That doesn't sound fun."

"Does the end of the world sound like more fun?"

We all stood there in silence, as June and Zuko started a staring contest. Until finally, June gave up and let out a sigh.

"Follow me."

She stood up and made her way towards the door, exiting the tavern as we followed. Appa and the Shirshu were growling at each other right at the entrance, then Appa gave it a big lick, confusing it and causing it to back down.

"Nyla!" June called out to her pet, holding raw meat in her hand to gather its attention.

Nyla charged at June, snatching the meat out of her hand and swallowing it instantly. It was a little disturbing to watch, but also a bit cool.

"So, who's got something with the avatar's scent on it?" June wondered, waiting for someone to volunteer and she stroked Nyla's fur.

"Here's his staff." Katara pulled Aang's glider out of Appa's saddle and approached Nyla.

"Careful, i'll do it." June warned, then took the staff and placed it under Nyla's nose. He sniffed it, then began to walk in circles repeatedly. Suddenly, he fell to the ground and began to scrath his nose with his paw, confusing everyone.

"What does that mean?"

"It means your friend is gone. He doesn't exist."

"What are you talking about?" I took a step forward, feeling angry with June. "Stop stalling and give us the truth."

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