Chapter 14. Good girl's face

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Shining among Darkness


Chapter 14
Good girl's face

From the perspective of most people, it seemed like Lily Sullivan was having a terrible day. After all, very rarely start the morning in the emergency department of a hospital could be considered a good thing, especially when you are only ten years old. However, although things had not exactly gone as she expected, the truth was that she could not complain. Once again, she had triumphed over all those who had wanted to harm her. For a moment, when the vehicle was moving without any brake to the water, she really thought that would be the end. But she managed to think fast, concentrate, and make Emily fall straight into what had perhaps been her best work. Would have been perfect if they hadn't taken Emily out of the water; or if the paramedics had failed to revive her. But whatever it was, it didn't matter anymore. It would be impossible for her "temporary mommy" to wake up again from that deep dream in which she had plunged her. And, if there was a remote possibility of that happening, it was most likely that she woke up like a walking vegetable, unable to even tie his shoes.

Again, she had won, and that was all that mattered.

She had to use all her self-control so her complacency wouldn't be visible on her face, while she was resting on that stretcher in emergencies. Her wet clothes had been removed while she slept, and was dressed in a baggy white coat with prints of... were they bears? It didn't really matter neither. As if really putting a cute print on it made everything better. The nurses treated her very well, and she smiled at them and spoke the same way, but moderately. After all, given the situation she had just been through, she couldn't behave casually and normally, right? And apparently it worked, because she could feel how they all lamented, telling each other, and themselves, how affected and traumatized that poor and helpless girl must be.

Affected and traumatized? That was not precisely the proper description Lily would use. She did resent what happened to Emily a little, indeed, since those last words she had said were real. She really hoped they could spend more time together and be a good team. But what was done was done. Emily had made her decisions, and now she had to look forward. A new family was waiting for her around the corner. A new home, and a new opportunity for... for what, exactly? What would do once she had a new playground in which to move and have fun? The possibilities were immense, but she would not rush that time. She would take her time to enjoy everything slowly, as she had done with her poor parents. Who knows? Maybe this new daddy and mommy can keep their interest for more than just ten years; that would depend a lot on them.

Being lying on that stretcher made her remember how all started. How they had taken her to the hospital after her parents tried to burn her alive. At that time, everyone also treated her with great delicacy and care, as if she was fragile as paper. In hindsight, it was funny that for a second, Margaret and Edward believed they had the slightest chance of getting this far, if not because she allowed them to. At what time would they have become aware of it? When would they have realized that everything was a trick, and their pathetic hopes were little more than a smokescreen? Poor of her father now dead, and poor of her mother who had to continue living with that weight. Lily would have to pray for her as soon as she had time; surely, that would please her.

Someone ran the blue curtain that surrounded her stretcher. It was one of the nurses, who had already seen around earlier. She was, in fact, the head nurse, named Lucy, who escorted Nancy and Vazquez to her. Both entered the area that belonged to her and stood beside her bed. Lily looked at them with a calm and somewhat sleepy look. Lucy, on her own, reran the curtain to give them some privacy.

"Hello, Lily," Nancy greeted, sitting in a chair beside the bed, and sharing a friendly smile on her pink lips. "Do you remember me?"

Lily looked at her for a second and then nodded slowly.

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