Chapter 02. I came here to help you

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Author's Notes:

Hello everyone, how are you? After a long time, I bring you Chapter 2 translated into English. I was unsure about continuing with the translation, but after I see that there were several people interested in being able to read it in English, I decided to try again. I re-edit Chapter 01 in a way could be more understandable (I hope), so if someone is interested, you can reread it. Meanwhile, I leave you with this chapter that is in fact quite short (I think the shortest so far). But don't worry, in Spanish, I have already written 29 Chapters, so there is a lot of history on the way.

Shining among Darkness


Chapter 02.
I came here to help you

Samara Morgan, twelve years old, the daughter of Richard and Anna Morgan, two award-winning horse breeders with a ranch on Moesko Island, on the coast of Washington State. She had been hospitalized in Eola for almost a month, due to the strange events that had begun a year ago in her home. Although everything seemed to indicate that these events were happening a long time ago, only until then had they started to become so notorious; and they were increasing, according to the testimonies.

Anna Morgan was interned in that same place, practically at the same time as her daughter, severely affected by everything that happened. Since then, the medicals, including especially Dr. John Scott, had tried in a thousand ways to understand what was happening, and primarily how to treat it to give peace of mind to the girl's parents; and, by the way, to the few inhabitants of their island.

Needless to say, in all that time, they had not made much progress. But this was not for their ineptitude or lack of hospitality, even if Matilda had the unconscious desire to blame it. The truth was that they faced a case that went beyond their knowledge, and for that reason, Mr. Morgan had decided to appeal to a second opinion; the opinion of the organization Matilda Honey represented.

And that was what had taken her to that place, to that bright white room in which she was sitting, in front of that girl with black hair and even blacker eyes. In the photographs that were sent to Matilda, from a few months or even a couple of years ago, Samara looked like a smiling girl with firm pink cheeks. But the girl who had in front of her was entirely different. What most caused her anguish was not the almost sickly pallor of her skin or those marked dark eye bags, but that gaze... that nearly terrifying gaze in her eyes.

Despite her haggard appearance, she was still a pretty girl. Her facial features were delicate, and her eyes, even with that gaze, were quite beautiful, deep and bright.

"Nice to meet you, Samara," Matilda replied, with marked enthusiasm, just after the girl had said her name. "I've heard a lot about you."

"Ugly things, for sure," the Samara murmured with disdain.

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