"Anywhere but wherever you wanna take me, Jerkwad!" Knockout accidentally snapped in the face of his master. He was both surprised and fearful now that he saw Megatron's face contorting in the most horrible way she ever seen it do!

Megatron being just about ready to rip knockout's faceplate off, being aggravated further and further the more the red bot quoted Zucky instead of actually coherently answering for his earlier transgressions.

"Please Lord Megatron, it's not me! It's that Fleshling, she's behind my malfunctioning!" He begged the warlord for mercy.

"Oh really?! That same fleshling you've promised to hunt down, but have yet to bring to me? That Fleshling?!" Megatron seethed as he dragged the medic's chassis outside.

No matter how much he tried, poor Knockout ended up pissing his Master and Warlord off for the last time, and got kicked off the Nemesis by Megatron himself, only to land in the sea!

"Please...my Lord...SPARE MEEEEEEEE!'' With one swift and powerful kick, Knockout was sent flying off deck into the precarious depths below them.

Almost as quickly as he was kicked overboard, he landed into the ocean...the initial shock of the impact stunned him, which made him unable to transform into vehicle mode for quite a while!

"Thaaargh!!! Ugh..."The last thing he saw was the ship moving quickly away as he sank and his vision was distorted by the waves engulfing his form as he sank down. Once he had sunken to the bottom of the ocean, he woke back up hours later. Fishes zipping away from him as quickly as they could once he started showing signs of life.

["Huh? Where am I?"] The red bot sat up and felt soreness in his skid plates, backstrut, and helm. Seeing that he was at the bottom of the ocean, the events from earlier started coming back to him.

["Grrrr...that little Scraplet's gonna pay for this!!!"] He snarled as he attempted to transform, but couldn't.

["What the?"] *Tries to transform again but to no avail.

["SCRAP! The impact of the fall must have affected my T-cog."] He concluded after a quick troubleshooting scan of his systems to make sure he was alright.

["Curse Megatron and his Impulsiveness..."] The medic cursed inwardly as a school of fishes decided to swim across his vision. He swatted at them, but didn't manage to hit even one! Feeling defeated he settled with his current options. ["Well, not much I can do now, but *sigh* walk all the way to shore."]

After checking if his navigation system was still working properly, he had to then trudge through the ocean for quite a distance, for hours on end, before he'd recovered enough to assume vehicle mode and zoom the rest of the way out of the ocean.

Once he did reach land, he was covered in barnacles, seaweed, and beginning to rust in some small patches due to saltpeter and of course; soaking wet!

=>See author's note<=

He struggled a bit to climb up onto the beach, due to the sand being so soft and him sinking into it as if he was riding on quicksand. It took him a couple tries, but he managed it. There were several humans on the beach who witnessed the deplorable looking vehicle climb up from within the ocean onto dry land, which did absolutely nothing for his self confidence.

"What are you all looking at?!"Some people got up, grabbed their kids and bolted away, thinking it was some haunted vehicle.

He opened a car door just slightly to let out the water from within his cabin, which revealed that some fish have gotten trapped in there as well.

"Oh, for the love of Solus Prime!" He grumbled as he closed it back.

"Hey man, we were here first, okay? So, Chill..." Some stupidly brave beachgoer decided to talk back.

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