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chapter fifteen

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chapter fifteen

Yanmei woke up to the pain of being thrown onto a cold, hard floor. she groaned at the pain and scowled at the men who threw her into the prison cell.

"the next time you see me you'll wish you never met me!" she yelled, venom in his voice.

"well, your temper hasn't changed at all i see" a voice most would shiver at spoke from the shadows. Yanmei stayed still, though. she want afraid of Azula, she knew she was stronger than the princess.

"i bet you enjoy this, me being chained at your feet" Yanmei scoffs. she stands to face Azula who walks into the light.

"i do, actually. it's a pity you won't be here for long" she says and walks towards the exit of the cell.

"where are you taking me?" Yanmei shouts.

Azula stops in front of the bars of the cell and turns to keep her eyes locked on the door to the hallway. no one knew, but the all mighty princess was scared. her heart was beating in her chest, and if she looked at Yanmei she knew she would scream, cry, and possibly kill her.

"you're going home" Azula whispers.

Yanmei scoffs, "i don't have a home, you made sure of that"

Azula sharply turned back around and clutched the bars to control her anger and inhales sharply, "you did this to yourself when you chose Zuko over me"

Yanmei was confused at her old friends words. she didn't choose Zuko of her, Azula was the one who hated her brother so much she ruined her first actual friendship.

"i never chose him over you. you were cruel to him just like your father, i wanted to be friends with both of you" Yanmei argues.

"you chose Zuko!" Azula shouted. Yanmei took a step back from the volume of the yelling, "you ignored me and made everything about poor little Zuzu... he had mother and Iroh, he didn't need you!"

Azula turned back to face Yanmei, who noticed a tear on Azula's cheek, "i needed you"

Yanmei was shocked at Azula's speech. she didn't realize Azula felt betrayed. she just wanted to be close with both of them, she didn't know that she was the one who ruined everything.

"i-i'm so sorry Azula... i didn't realize what i had done. i'm sorry i ruined our friendship"

Azula quickly whipped the tear from her face and turned back towards the bars with her lips drawn into a thin line, "i'm done talking to you"

Yanmei waited until the cell door was opened before speaking again, "wait!"

Azula rolled her eyes, "what?"

"i know you're not the bad guy, Azula. i still believe that a part of the girl i was once friends with is still in there" Yanmei smiles lightly.

Azula pauses, processing her words, then shakes her head, "that girl was gone the minute you betrayed me"

"Azula!" a high pitched voice sings. Tyler and Mai walk through the door that separates the cell from the hallway, "oh! Yanmei?"

Yanmei smiles and waves with her chained hands, "hey Tylee"

Mai glares at the girls, "can we go? the stench of her is burning my nose" she says while holding her hand to cover her nose.

"very well" Azula sighs. after leaving the cell she locks it and joins her 'friends', "we'll be back for you later" she smirks towards Yanmei.

exactly an hour later, Azula, Mai, and Tylee went back to see Yanmei. Tylee chi blocks her so she can't bend to escape while the other keep her arms chained behind her back.

"what are you doing!" Yanmei yells as she struggles against the chains.

Azula and the girls walk to the door once they're finished, "we have some business to attend to, can't have our favorite prisoner escaping"

the girls then leave and walk towards the platform where they were planned to meet with Aang, Katara, and Sokka, though they didn't know it yet.

"have you brought my brother?" Mai asks.

"he's here" Aang responds, "we're ready to trade"

Azula being her usual self decides to interfere, "i'm sorry but a thought just occurred to me... do you mind?"

"of course not princess Azula"

"we're trading a three year old for a king, a powerful earth bending king... it just doesn't seem fair, does it?"

"the deals off!" Mai calls out. she lifts her hand up and King Bumi is sent away in his metal cage.

"maybe it would've been fair if Yanny was apart of the trade" Tylee innocently shrugs, oblivious to the fact that she was in the presence of Yanmei's current friends.

"they have Yanmei" Sokka whispers to his friends through gritted teeth. there was no way they would get away with keeping the girl he loved prisoner.


it wasn't till dark that Yanmei's cell opened once again. she had gained the ability to feel her arms again but because they tied the chains tight behind her back she still struggled to get out.

Yanmei watched a shadow walk through the door, she figured it was Azula coming to torture her, "you know just because i can't bend with my arms or legs doesn't mean i'm completely useless" she smirks and lifts her eyes towards the dark figure. she was just about to go to her alternate method when she noticed the color of their eyes. blue.

"Sokka?" Yanmei gasps.

Sokka comes into the light and smiles, "can't let you be the hero all the time"

Yanmei laughs, "how did you know i was here?" she asks.

Sokka kneels in front of her and starts to break the chains, "Tylee accidentally told us earlier, but we had to wait to get you"

once the final chains were broken, Yanmei cradled Sokka's face her in hands, "my hero" she whispered and gently kissed his lips, "let's get out of here before we're caught" she adds on.

Sokka was stunned by the kiss, he felt as if he'd never get used to it, but still nodded and held tightly onto her hand as they ran back to the others.

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