It's A Madhouse

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Soooo... I updated, hopefully the first of many. and i won't get sidetracked into other fics again. lol

"No," Nightmare said.

Simple and to the point.

"But Boss," Killer whined.

"No, we're going disguised for a reason. Error can shapeshift with the codes to a point, and this is my real body. All of you look like young adults," Nightmare pointed out dryly.

"Dreamswap Nightmare always has a Cross in the meme squad," Cross protested.

"Can you look like a pre-teen?" Error asked, amused.

Cross froze, then suddenly got into an animated conversation with X.

Nightmare traded concerned looks with Error.


Somehow, Nightmare never got out of the AU he claimed as his own. The arguments the others used were quite amusing really, if rather annoying.

Cross had wandered off several hours ago, just after supper, which had been bacon pepperoni pizza.

He really had to find out what AU Error got that pizza from, it was really tasty. Unfortunately, the dark-boned monster was the only one who knew where it came from, and he refused to tell them. Something about banned from buying and green mean fighting machine turtles... maybe?

Somewhere in the distance, a voice shouted, "It's teenage mutant ninja turtles!!!"

Sadly, they're a reality away, so no one heard it except their neighbor, who pounded on the wall.

"Say no to this!" a young voice shouted.

Startled, Nightmare turned and found himself staring in shock.

"Cross!" he exclaimed. It was Cross... but much younger?!

"Sorry, it took a while to get this right," Cross grinned.

"How in the world did you do this?" Nightmare asked in bewilderment, circling his now much younger friend.

"X is the right age, and we share a body... when he's in charge, we're a pre-teen. We just had to flip some things, so right now X's form is a young adult," Cross said proudly.

"Well, that means you can come, but first..." Nightmare said with a wicked grin that didn't look right on his child self.

"Wait... what first?" Cross asked, a hint of worry entering his voice.

"Error gets to play dress-up with you," Nightmare cackled, dragging the suddenly protesting Cross back to the house.


"I hate you all!" Cross snarled.

"It's not that bad," Nightmare said cheerfully.

"That color is flattering on you," Error hummed.

"Why...?" Cross begged the multiverse.

Which, rather unsurprisingly, didn't respond, as neither Fate nor Destiny thought this was anything but funny.

Cross was not wearing DS!Cross clothing, but instead a black cocktail dress, covered in sequins so that it sparkled. Nightmare was wearing a similar purple dress, and Error a dark blue one. The dresses were cut in a way that gave them a feminine appearance.

"This is hilarious," Killer giggled, taking pictures.

"Hmm," Dust hummed, amused by the madness.

Horror just giggled and snacked on cheese puffs.

"You know what, we're fabulous. Let's get drunk!" Cross finally said.

"Whooo!" Horror cheered.

Who cared that half of them looked like kids at the moment?! They were getting drunk!

The alcoholic drinks flowed.


Dream woke with a hangover.

"But I don't drink," he protested, before whimpering from the pain in his head.

He promptly went back to bed.

Spirits and SoulsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon