Ink's Bad Day

168 17 13

Yes I know its been forever, but that's why i left it to a vote to force me to write. oi do say i do like what i wrote. If you don't remember whats happening, I suggest rereading the story it has been a few years.



"Silly Strings?"



"We're out," Cross said, Nightmare turned to stare at him.

"Crazy glue?" he tried again.

"Oh! You meant the real glue! Check!"

Error chuckled, going through a crazy amount of items they may need.

"Lime jello?"

"Che... wait why would we need jello?" Cross said confused, holding up the package of jello powder.

"For Inks pool," he responded.

"Does ink even have a pool?" Cross asked frowning, Nightmare began to answer and turned to Error who would actually know.

"He had two, you need more jello powder," Error sniggered.

"How much more?" Nightmare asked curious, Error grinned and told them.

Quickly the two rushed off to get a lot more.


Ink bounced from his portal towards his home away from the doodlesphere, he couldn't wait to work on his latest painting.

"Eh..." he said as the ground collapsed under him, he gave an Oomph sound like characters dying in Roblox.

"Ow..." he said blinked "Wow, a sinkhole in my yard"

He started climbing up, only to yelp as everything collapsed again.

"Ewwwwwww......" Ink cried, as he fell into stinky dirty mud that smelled like a swamp. Feeling disgusted he finally managed to climb out, shaking off as much mud as he could.

Which, truthfully wasn't much.

"Who knew double sinkholes existed"


Twenty-four Hours Earlier:

"Why are we digging such a deep hole for a hole joke?" Cross asked, Nightmare and Error exchanged wicked grins.

"Double sinkhole," Nightmare told him.

"Second one had mud from swamptale," Error continued.

"Urgh... that stuff smells"


"I'm sure its nothing," Ink said entering his home, a houseplant meanwhile wilted from the smell.

A moment later he paused.

"Did I enter the wrong house?" he said staring, and by staring he meant looking up.

All the furniture was on the ceiling.

Ink then tried to walk on the ceiling, and sat on his favourite chair.


And failed.

He landed barely missing his skull not that it mattered much as he had nothing to protect.

"Head rush!"


Twenty-Two Hours ago:

"I can't believe we're doing this," Nightmare actually giggled, Error was using his strings to hold everything up while he and Cross nailed it to the ceiling with almost unnoticeable nails.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2023 ⏰

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