A Parents Love

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By the way, this chapter wrote itself and was never originally suppose to be part of the story. But the Fluff, it had to be >o<

The horse coach rumbled beneath him as the horses moved, the hay crinkling below him. At the moment he was laying on the hay, feeling more relaxed then he had in months.

He took in a deep breath of fresh clean air, the scents of summer drifting around him.

The horses came to a stop with a clatter, kicking up a small bit of dirt.

"Dis the spot," the farmer said, the one having him a ride.

"Thanks," Error said grabbing his bag and jumping from the cart, his slippered feet kicking up a bit of there own dirt.

"Ya sure ya' fine, not many monstahs around here?" the farmer asked, a human wrinkled with age and sun browned.

"Don't worry, there expecting me," Error said and began walking, while he could have created a portal there was something nice about a slow trip.

"Gook luck laddy," the farmer said, clucking his tongue to get the horses moving.

Humming Error began his way up the long pathway to a familiar home, been awhile since he visited between his eternal job hours.

The house was quiet, but he could sense Nightmare in his room with the others who knew where.


"We'll play later," Error promised the small barn Cat, who had taken a liking to the strange monster who could summon strings to play with.

"Mewwwww.." the cat said dejected, slinking back to where the other cats rested in the shade.

Error loved cats, no one owned Cats they owned you. They went where they wanted, when they wanted.

Too bad the anti-void wasn't cat friendly, or rather friendly for anyone.

Placing his bag on the couch he slipped upstairs, Nightmare had been rather quiet lately and Error was a bit concerned.

Nightmare wasn't an evil person, at least not bu choice.

But his morals were so so, due to the black apples forced on him.

It was never a good sign when Nightmare locked himself away.

Error did not enjoy the past angst moments of the Dark Sans leader.

He stared at the door for a moment, then opened it the lock not even bothering as his magic unlocked it.

"Really Nightmare, you could have asked for help," Error said, taking in the non goopy arms, a leg and unfamiliar purple eyes.

"This isn't what it looks like!" Nightmare protested.

The non corrupted voice wasn't helping his case.

"Kid, I found you after went feral from the apples. I pretty much raised you," Error said, giving his once ward stern eyes.

"Sorry Dad..." Nightmare said embarrassed, loosing his concentration and reverting back to his normal goopy self.

"No more experimenting unless I'm about, we don't know what type of rebounds this could cause," Error said, with a no arguing voice.

"I.. just want to be free, I want to look like myself," Nightmare whispered, hugging the monster who had dragged him back to sanity, taught him to live again and been the nearest thing to a parent next to his creator.

Flashback: After Nightmare escapes his AU

Error hadn't expected to come across a clearly feral Sans on a random Au, he winces seeing the monsters corrupted Stats.

Another Sans forced onto a Dark path.

Worse, from what he could tell was a kid.

"Well.. this will be fun," Error said dryly, knowing leaving this to Ink would be stupid.

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