Daily Life of a Dark Sans

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Unlike what many thought, the Dark Sans didn't live in a Dark evilish world in a mansion.

They lived on a nice AU no one ever bothered with since nothing ever happened, and there wasn't even a reset.

Nightmare had managed to find a large family home in the country, paid locals to fix it up and rented the farm land out for gold.

Of course they did shield the AU, not wanting Ink or the others to butt in on there relaxing place of residence.

The Living room had a TV so large to die for, actually.. Cross was pretty Dust had killed someone for it.

Game systems a gamer would cry in envy over, and plush chairs one would happily never want to live.

Nightmare that bastard still wasn't saying where he got the chairs.

Let alone that couch.

The place was in darker colours, but nothing like he'd heard the Star sans discussing.

He was amused to see that Killer was asleep on the coach with three cats snoozing on top of him, the three cats were barn cats and weren't suppose to be in the house.

In fact Killer hated those cats with a passion, as when outside when eh came across one they always tried to claw his face off.

Cats, what can you do?

"You'd think it would wake him up," Nightmare said wondering into the room, a bowl of popcorn in his hands and a new video game in hand.

"How do you think they got in?" he asked, he had a feeling he knew.

"Who knows," Nightmare said, setting up the game.

"Really?" Cross asked.

"Really, really," Nightmare said smirking.

"Fine, can I have some popcorn?" he asked.

"Get your own, you always drizzle them with chocolate which I'd rather not have," Nightmare said.

"Stingy," Cross pouted, but went to pop some popcorn.

He added double chocolate then usual.


"Did I miss a party?" Horror asked as he and Dust got home, the room had popcorn scattered everywhere with random smears of popcorn.

"Just the cats,"Cross said cleaning up Chocolate.

"So messy," Nightmare moaned pulling out a Vacuum, the goopy being coudl be such a neat freak sometimes.

"What Happened?" Dust asked curious, taking in the paused game.


"Ahhh, the cats," Horror said, recognizing the screamers voice.

Nightmare snickered.

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