'Well, what's the issue?' Georgie asked. 'We're going there for his business; he wouldn't mind would he?'

'No, of course not,' I said. 'Sure, if you really want it done then yeah, we can go.'

'Yes!' Georgie cheered. 'Okay, well I'm heading to class. Meet you guys here at the end of the day?'

'Not me,' Penny sighed as she moved to her feet. 'I have a geochem tutorial with Professor Grey.'

'Okay, that sounds like something that will make me die from boredom,' Georgie said, grabbing his books.

'So you don't care about the future of our planet?' Penny asked, as we headed for the exit.

'Of course I do,' Georgie replies. 'But only for as long as I'm alive and I'm pretty confident earth will be fine until my time comes; after that, I don't really care.'

'That is so selfish,' she told him.

'That's me baby,' he said, grinning widely.

'Ugh, I hope Cal puts you through a shit load of pain,' she said.

Georgie frowned and stuck out his tongue and she threw up her middle finger before turning to me and smiling.

'See ya, Bethan,' she said as she waved before turning on her heel.

'Have fun saving the planet!' Georgie called, chuckling to himself as we crossed campus.

'You know that's not what geochemistry is actually about?' I laughed.

'Yeah, I just love messing with her,' he chuckled. 'She's adorable when she gets all mad.'

'Yeah she is,' I agreed with a laugh.

'So, I'll meet you here after classes end, okay?' Georgie said.

'Yeah,' I replied. 'See you later.'

We parted ways and I headed over to Hamilton Hall for my Medieval English class. I moved through the hallway and bumped into Sierra, a girl from class.

'How are you finding it?' she asked me.

'I actually really love it,' I said. 'It's one of my favourite classes.'

'Professor Fawkes always seems to love picking on you because he knows you'll have an answer for everything,' she chuckled. 'The rest of us are just like...clueless half the time.'

'You're making me sound like a total nerd,' I laughed. 'Honestly, I just do my research before class as soon as I get the brief.'

I did always do a little research to touch up on my knowledge, but truthfully, I was a little bit of a nerd when it came to the likes of greats such as Chaucer.

'Clearly Brodie West does too,' she laughed. 'That guy is way too hot to be that smart.'

'No, he's actually really smart,' I told her. 'He also loves a good debate, hence why I hate answering Fawkes' questions; you can guarantee Brodie will challenge me every time.'

'Classic sign of a crush,' she said.

'Ugh, don't even go there,' I laughed.

I laughed with Sierra as we moved into class and my smile faded slowly as I spotted Brodie in his seat. I quickly perked up and smiled brightly at him as he returned it before moving to my seat.

Class sailed by without Professor Fawkes picking on me at all and throwing all of his questions at the people hiding in the back. As we all left, I quickly moved through the hall to try and get to my next class a little earlier and Brodie appeared beside me, joining me on our walk to the exit.

The Fear Of Faith [2]Where stories live. Discover now