14. Cal

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My jaw was clenched so tightly and my eyes were glued to the off white wall in front of me as I waited. My foot was tapping continuously in vexation and I couldn't even predict how I was going to react to this; receiving a phone call asking me to collect Bethan from a police station.

She had stayed out all night and I had called her phone over and over again but I'd figured she was ignoring me. I also told myself she was a responsible and careful person like she had been at the last party and just assumed she'd stayed the night with a friend. Never did I think she would have gotten herself put in a jail cell all night.

The sound of footsteps made me jump up automatically and I watched as an officer led Bethan up the corridor. She looked a complete mess; hair ragged, make-up streaked, clothing filthy. She kept her eyes to the floor until they reached the front desk and the officer said something to her before she nodded and signed something. He signalled towards me and walked off and she turned, moving towards me as I watched her carefully. I'd never felt so disappointed in my life yet at the same time, completely to blame.

'Let's go.' It was all I could say, as I turned and walked straight out the door with her following behind.

We headed for the car and got inside, quickly speeding away and not a word was said between us. A million questions were racing through my mind but I had no clue where to begin and I wasn't sure if she even wanted to speak to me.

When we arrived home, she moved straight to the kitchen for a glass of water and I hung up my coat before pacing over slowly and sitting down at the counter watching her. I could see the shame and the worry all over her face. I needed to know what she had done; the officer hadn't offered me an explanation, just a simple demand to come and collect her. We had fought and it had made her go to that party, I was well aware that it was my fault she had left but she was an idiot for getting herself locked up and risking her place at Columbia and for that, I was furious at her.

She became aware of my eyes on her and looked at me quickly, her mouth overturned as she glared.

'What?' she asked, abruptly.

'Nothing,' I said, quietly.

'There's a very simple explanation for this,' she said. 'Stop looking at me with that judgmental look. You of all people should know how it fucking feels.'

A low blow, but clearly she was still mad at me. The feeling was mutual; I had nothing more to say to her right now.

'Go take a shower,' I said, moving to my feet and turning away from her. 'You're a fucking mess.'

'Do not start with me, Cal,' she said as I headed for my desk. 'I still don't even want to talk to you right now.'

'Sure,' I sighed. 'By the way, your family will be here soon.'

'What?' she asked, her voice turning weak.

'Yeah, they're coming today for your birthday,' I said. 'You're the one who told me they were coming this weekend.'

'I forgot,' she said, softly.

'Well, your mom called early this morning when they left,' I said as I picked up my pencil and began sketching. 'They'll probably be here in the next thirty minutes.'

'Shit!' she hissed. 'Did you tell them?'

I frowned to myself and put my pencil down before turning to look at her; she was panicking.

'That you got locked up in a jail cell all night?' I asked, knowing I was pissing her off more.

'Don't be a fucking ass,' she spat.

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