43. Bethan

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'You guys okay to just wait here?' I asked, as I looked over to Cal in the driver seat before glancing to Tiffany in the back.

'Take your time,' Tiffany said. 'Cal can take me to a coffee shop nearby.'

'Oh really?' Cal said, glancing at her through the mirror.

'Yes, I can update you on everything April and her time at Penn State,' Tiffany said with a cheery smile.

'Oh goody,' Cal mumbled.

'Don't be mean, she's your cousin,' I said. 'I'll text you when I'm done.'

I said goodbye and got out of the car, heading across the street to my building. Being here reminded me that now Cal and I were back together, I'd be moving out of my dorm and back into the apartment. As well as talking to Penny about our recent fall out, I had to break this news to her and I felt really bad about it.

Finding her and Professor Grey in such a compromising position had me completely stunned and ready to tear my eyes out at seeing him in her bed. He was a handsome man, looking like he was in his late 40s with hair that was a mixture of brown and grey. He had a very neatly trimmed beard and his physique looked good too. A lot of students had a crush on him but I was more likely to believe that I'd find him and Georgie in such a position than him and Penny; she was always the good girl.

I'd known something was weird with her secret friend who helped us get into Club Luna but I'd just assumed it was someone from her class who had a dad or brother that worked there. Olivia had been right to question it, as much as it wasn't her business.

I hadn't given her the chance to explain when I walked into the room that day. I'd grabbed the gifts from under the bed and dashed from the room quickly, spending the rest of Christmas with my family in total shock as I avoided her calls. Everything began adding up and making sense and when I returned to my dorm, she tried to tell me everything about the secret tutorials and late library sessions and the reason we got into the club. The more she revealed, the more hurt I felt and I'd been avoiding her ever since.

Now it was time to talk properly and let her know that I understood if she had her reasons not to tell me and that I was here for her if she did want to talk.

I headed up to the third floor in the elevator and along to my room, pulling out my key and unlocking the door as I stepped inside.

'Oh!' I stopped as I spotted Penny and Professor Grey stood in the middle of the room talking and both had stopped to look over to me. 'I'm sorry, I can-.'

'It's okay,' Professor Grey said, shifting awkwardly and trying his best not to make eye contact with me. 'I was just leaving.'

'Please, I don't mind coming back,' I said.

'It's fine, Bethan,' Penny said, turning to walk away from him. 'He's leaving.'

I stepped aside as Professor Grey approached the door and gave me a polite smile as he slid by me. Stepping into the room, I closed the door and looked up to see Penny staring out the window.

'You okay?' I asked.

'I'm guessing Cal found you,' she said, before turning around and moving to sit on her bed.

'Yeah,' I replied, walking and sitting on mine.

'So you were at Morningside Park,' she said.

'I was,' I said with a nod. 'It's my thinking place.'

'I know,' she said. 'Maybe I should take a trip there myself.'

'What's going on, Pen?' I asked. 'You look sad.'

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