31. Bethan

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A whole week had passed since Cal had turned up on campus to apologise to me. I'd cried my eyes out in the coffee shop after as Penny tried her best to comfort me and I told her what had happened. Georgie joined us and was full of guilt when he admitted that he'd been the one to tell Cal where to find me, but truthfully I was thankful that he had because it was a conversation that had to happen. It should have been closure but it had left me feeling even more heartbroken.

I'd been crying at night for a few days but now I'd reached a full week since it happened, I was starting to feel a little more normal. I still felt sad and I still missed him but I no longer felt the need to cry. I still believed deep down that if it was meant to be, we would come back together but right now, things just needed some time.

'What are you thinking about?' Georgie murmured, as we sat together in our theatre class.

'Nothing,' I whispered, refocusing on what the professor was saying.

'Always daydreaming,' he chuckled, quietly.

'Yeah,' I said with a small smile. All I could do was daydream about him because in reality, I'd pushed him away more than once now and my memories were the only way to feel close to him.

'You know what I think?' he whispered.

'That you should shut up before you get us in trouble,' I muttered back.

'No,' he giggled. 'I think that you and Cal just need to fuck.'

'Oh my god,' I spluttered, as I choked on my own saliva in shock and coughed to clear my throat.

'Everything okay, Miss Jones?' asked my professor.

I stuck up my thumb to him as I continued to cough and eventually managed to control myself as he continued with the lesson. My face was red with lack of air and embarrassment and I turned to Georgie immediately and scowled as he pressed his lips together to hold back his laughter.

'What the fuck are you talking about?' I hissed.

'You heard me,' he said, smugly, wriggling his shoulders with a smirk as he turned back to the front of the class.

'Fucking is the last thing we ought to be doing when we can't even talk to each other without it being awkward,' I whispered. 'Now stop talking to me, I'm trying to learn.'

'Yeah right,' he laughed, quietly. 'You haven't listened to a word he's said all lesson.'

'I won't hesitate to hit you right in your balls and make you scream in front of everybody,' I murmured.

'How many times do you think I've been hit in the balls in my life?' he asked me, turning to me with a grin.

'Someone as bitchy as you, I'd say too many to count,' I muttered and rolled my eyes.

'Exactly,' he said as he smirked on. 'So try it. I'm immune to the pain.'

'Shut up,' I hissed and returned my eyes to the front as he chuckled at my irritation.

The fact he would come out with something like that was just Georgie all over; he had no filter. Putting the thought in my head suddenly had my cheeks feeling red as a flashback hit me from last week at the party when we had almost went there. A little part of me did have some regret at stopping things but I knew I'd made the right decision, as much as I'd certainly wanted it. Sex was surely one thing I was missing a lot, simply for the closeness with him.

Class finally ended and Georgie and I headed to the deli on campus where Penny was waiting for us at a quiet table in the back. I joined the queue and ordered a burrito as Georgie made up a salad at the self-prep salad bar. He was forever thinking he had to watch his figure, as slim as he already was.

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