Chapter 43: Times Square Part 1

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"Ev," Ethan said. "Come on, you have to go."

I stood besides Mia, standing at the front door. I didn't want to go.

I understood that it wasn't their fault. My dad manipulated them too.

But I don't know if I was ready to just go back out into the world and deal with all of my problems.

"Let's talk in the car, okay?" Ethan said.

I sighed. "Fine."

I hugged Mia goodbye and followed Ethan to the car, sitting in the passenger seat. He started driving and it was quiet for a while.

"We're going to Times Square," he said. "You said you've always wanted to go, right?"

"Yeah," I mumbled.

"Do you want to go?"


"Are you okay?"

"I don't know..."

"We're going to go see our dad," Ethan said. "If you wanna go, you can go to your mom."

Tears immediately sprang into my eyes. I told myself I wouldn't cry but the smallest mentions of my mom made me tear up.

Today was the day my mom died.

June 17th.

Three days before my birthday.

And before I knew it, tears were streaming down my face as I started uncontrollably sobbing.

All of the memories and all of the pain rushed through me. My heart felt heavy and every part of me hurt. My whole body went numb and I wanted to scream and cry and just break down.

Time passed, slowly and slowly, but I just couldn't stop. Everything reminded me of her. She wasn't here with me anymore.

The car eventually stopped and I tried calming down by taking deep breaths and wiping my tears.

Ethan parked and I got out of the car, trying to wipe away the tears that kept coming. The door was unlocked so I walked in and went straight to my room where I broke down again.

I went into my bathroom, locked the door and looked at myself in the mirror.

There I was, my red, tear filled eyes, with my tear streaked face, staring back at me.

For a second I wondered if I had any left over razors.

Then I looked at myself again.

Let's think this out, I told myself.

Why was I upset? Because of my dad and I miss my mom. Our whole house has issues and today was the day my mom died.

Okay... now let's think about this logically. My brothers still care about me and they love me. I miss my mom and I want to see her, and if Dad's being a toxic person, I don't need to be around him.

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