Rogues and Escape part 2

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Kratos p.o.v

"Watch your six Leila!" rex screams as he runs up and tackles a guard from behind her and drives his claw through his heart and kills the guard." take it easy and keep in mind to watch your own ass, I won't be able to cover it" she huffs and mutters"I could've taken him down too." we all shift into our Lycan forms and my eyes turn red and I lunge, swipe, kick and swing at black coat guys with knives and guns and swords in their hands and a guy behind me run and jump flips and slices an X on my back and I growl in pain and I whip around and rips his head off and throws his body across the hall and his head I throw to another Lycan who snaps it into pieces and chews on it. I look around and smell the doctor's scent and I turn back to the rest of the Lycans and mind link them"keep the guards held here as long as you can, I'm going to have a"talk" with the doctor". They all roar in agreement and I run in the direction of the doctors' scent and I bust through the doors and sees the doctor with a gun aimed at me" take a step closer and ill shoot you, why! Why are you doing this! I taught you everyth-"in two strides Im front of him and I rip the gun out of his hand and crushes it in my hand and I raise him high by his neck and I shift back to my human form" I owe you nothing, I am the son of a lycan breed. Did you honestly think that captureing me and turning me into a test subject was a good idea?" he looks at me in horror"n-no please, please dont kill m-"I growl loudly" like you said doctor, no mercy"I grab his head and squeezes his head in my hands and then I break his neck and I throw his body against the glass and howl loudly and the other lycans hear and howl with me and I mindlink them all"we are now free to roam as we see fit, the chains of our damnation are now our salvation!" they all cheer in victory"whowhaa!". 

A few months later I decided to stay away from my father's pack and stay being a rogue, only this one rogue wasn't alone and I now have a pack of my own, my own family and I smiled in pride as my wolf and I agreed to stay this way. These rogues, no these wolves had chosen me to be their leader and I would lead them and train them for more than a year, we all became family.

~flashback ends

I sit up in bed drenched in sweat, I turn off and lay my feet on the floor breathing hard. I close my eyes and try to control my breathing in and out, after a good two hours I'm able to control my heartbeat, I get up and go and take a hot shower and after I come out I go and put on a white t-shirt, denim jean shorts, and black sneakers. I walk over to my balcony window and look outside to see my rogues' training."let the day begin". I turn away from the balcony window and leave out of my room going towards the kitchen seeing Rex and Leila glaring at each other as they sat opposite sides of the island while I'm walking into the kitchen, I took the small note of Rex holding the jar of peanut butter in his giant hand and realization hit me as I stood and watched as Leila leaped over the island and was in front of him before Rex could even step back to gain any distance, he trained her to use her small size to her own advantage given his 6'2 against her 5'4  as she grabbed his hand with the peanut butter jar and snatched it out of his grasp in a flash as he playfully growled and then simply petted her on the head. 

They both then noticed me standing across from them while having moved to the fridge to grab some orange juice, Leila giggled as Rex cleared his throat " morning Alpha" I raised my eyebrow and chuckled" you have trainees to tend to, she comes later" Leila blushed in a fury and suddenly was in front of me and sprang her knee right into my nut sack making me groan safely moving the orange juice container onto the counter and balling over on the floor slightly wheezing as I looked up at her as a shocked and trying not to laugh rex came up behind her while she glared down at me" I always come first Alpha" then she huffed and walked away as Rex helped me up " what did I do?" he laughs for a good five minutes before replying " you pushed the mate button, shouldn't have done that." he patted my back and followed after her heading outside meanwhile I poured my juice mildly while still covering my hurt balls with my other hand. "damned mate bullshit" my wolf chuckled in my head" what did we learn?"  I slowly laid my head on the counter before replying with a "" my wolf chuckled as I drank my orange juice before retreating back in my mind.

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