My Brother part 2

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Kratos p.o.v

We shift back to our human forms the moment we set foot into our small land, we sniff the air and then we hear a high pitched scream and we run in the direction it came from and see wolves tussling in all bundles of teeth, claws, and even some in human forms doing hand to hand combat. I nod to Luci and rex and they take off in human form and join the fight as I look around for the desert land alpha, alpha Yale Gibson of his pack. For a moment I don't feel his presence until I feel a figure behind me and I somersault over him landing behind him. He turns to me and smiles evilly at me"ahh Kratos, what a coincidence running into you here of  all places have you come to watch your wolves be killed by my pack?"I look at him and snarl"yale if you think for even one second I'm going to just sit here and let your pack kill off my family you in for a rude wake-up call, my wolves are trained just as better than your wolves anyway, swatting your pack like bugs is childs play. Now tell  me why your here so I can shut you up and then kill off your pack like the plague." He growls at me"NO ONE TALKS ABOUT MY PACK AND LIVES! PREPARE TO DIE!" he shifts and lunges at me I dodge left and right at every lunge he makes, the reason I'm not shifting is for two reasons. One: my wolf is already in control, my eyes already dark red, and two: my wolf feels this alpha in front of us is a waste of our time and small fry compared to us, not even worth soiling our teeth or claws into his ass. As I dodge, jump and roll every move yale makes, I keep my cold posture, my power in my eyes and I look at him as he circles like im prey."Yale, you're only here because you want land, strength, and power but here's something, not even you can comprehend"I finally decide to react to his lunges because of mere boredom and land an uppercut to his rib cage as I duck underneath him and drive my fist into his underbelly hearing the satisfying crack and break of three of his ribs and he slumps to my left as I stand tall." one thing about strength and power is that it takes will to earn it, like respect its earned, honor is earned, and powerful strength and land is also earned." he growls and lunges at me again this time I grab his mouth by his jaws and  due to his weight he slightly pushes me back further and further, I dig my feet into the ground and hold my stance as I hold yales disgusting brown wolf  jaws in my face." you don't deserve to live, and I don't know how you found me and my rogues but you will die after you tell me how and who sent you."I turn and lift him up in my arms and throws him against a tree and he slumps down whimpering as he lands sideways as his body comes in contact with the rough bark of the tree, he's somehow able to still stay on his feet after shaking it off. My wolf growls in annoyance"persistent bastard". Yale lunges at me again from the tree, this time I cock and load my left fist as if it is a gun and jump a few in the air and angles my fist into the range of his jaw and my fist hits its mark, right on his jaw and he flys sideways to my left flank knocked out but still breathing. 

My wolves and his are still fighting even after I've knocked him out, I let out a howl through the sky, and the fighting stops. Instantly Rex mind links me and tells me of the casualties we've suffered and the wolves we've lost, my rogues being as tough as we've trained ourselves to just go from eight-hundred strong to now four-hundred in a matter of one evening day. I fall to my knees and howl in agony and anger for not getting here any sooner or at least having us come back to be ready. It was a surprise attack on us and we were prepared but we were also blinded. I look over at the still knocked out alpha of the pack that killed my rogues and I growl as my brown mixes in with my wolf's red eyes" he will tell us what happened"I nod in my head and rubs behind his ear to calm him down in my mind and he licks my face to calm me down too." we'll make him talk and then he'll die for this, something tells me he was told specifically where we are"my wolf nods and barks"I want him dead NOW!"I can feel his anger and I rub his fur"easy buddy, not yet, answers first" he growls but nods in agreement and resides to the back of my mind. I get up off my knees and look around to see the carnage of both my wolves and yales destruction as I see bodies both human and wolf alike spewed across the now quiet battlefield, I look down and go behind a tree and grab pants and a t-shirt and put them on and come from behind the tree. I walk into our house and see Lucia and rex standing with the same sad look as mine and all three of us group hug for fear of either one of us being dead, them more than me. We pull back from each other and readjust ourselves as one of my rogues comes into the living room and stands behind me and I turn around to face him with Lucia and rex flanking me but sitting on the couch as I stay standing."I want everything you can remember from start to finish" he nods and explains to me what happened"they came out of nowhere, patrols just doing the normal round when they were ambushed by a small unit of wolves and then the next thing we know, they all appear as if out of thin air and we're fighting for our lives." I nod"thank you lance, anything else? "He nods"yeah, while we were fighting them I noticed that the alpha has a mated tattoo mark on his neck"I growl and punch the cement wall" fuck!" I turn back to lance" where is she?" he looks at me and rubs the back of his head"uhd well see that's the thing, it wasn't a "she". I look at him with a knowing look and nod"okay well where is "he" then?" he crosses his arms over his chest and leans against the wall and looks down" he's dead, I killed him"he slumps down and puts his arms over his knees. I walk over to him and kneel in front of him and bump fists with him"you had no idea, you were only focused on your target, I understand" he nods and sniffles and shakes his head"ive taken lives before....but take someones mate away from them.....I.....I cant"I give him an understanding look" so then the rage you felt earlier" he nods"thats when yale lost his mate and the same time I killed him"I nod" have the bodies been takin care of?" he nods"yeah burned and some buried just like you said"I nod"good, wheres yale?" he gets up and readjusts himself"in the cells like you said where to put him"I nod"rex, lucia, lance go and find out and see if we have any more survivors even if they're a pack wolf, convince them to join us, if they decide otherwise then you let them go understand?" rex, lucia and lance nod at me in understanding. I walk out of our house and to the cells, down the torch candle lit hall I make way to yales cell where hes just waking up from his"dirt nap"he looks at me in surprise and then snarls at me"once I get out of here im g-"I chuckle at him and shake my head"your not getting out, your dead by my hands after you tell me how you found my home and my family"he laughs"hah! You think im going to talk to you after you killed my mate? Im g-"I look at him with unfamiliar sympathy and pity as my mind wanders to my own mate back in solar moon territory and what shes doing right now, her beautiful brown eyes, full lips, goddess like heavenly body, shes gods gift to the world."he was given a proper buriel, i give you my word that youll be able to see him but thats after you tell me who told you about our location."he looks at me and looks down and then nods"okay.....a few weeks ago we got a visit from the beta of the solar moon pack, guy knows how to do his homework, shemes, layout, and background all of it on you and your rogues"I nod and lean against the wall"did he tell you his name?"he nods".......Kia"

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