My Brother part 1

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I come out of the alphas packhouse to find my best friend, my brother rex tensed up, aura spilling from his veins and standing in front of the one that he used to call"brother". There's a girl standing behind him holding his arm, he's calm so I can tell he found his mate by the way she's holding him back. What troubles me though is that his brother also has a girl next to him and they're both smirking at rex and his mate. I tune into the conversation from where I'm leaning against a tree to see what decision my brother will choose, his mate or his vengeance. Rex growling and eyes the dark blue color and lusting for blood, his older brothers to be exact only to be held back by his mate from showing his older brother just how much he's truly grown. At a good partial view, I see his parents standing over to the side, their mother balling her eyes out and their father with his arms crossed and looking down and holding his mate close and safely, they lost the argument between the two brothers and have left it up to them to decide what happens next. Rex growls lowly at his older brother"Kai your dead! Ill kill you! Ill show you just how weak I really am! Bring it on! I've been following your shadow this entire time and I'm tired of it!" his brother still smirks and shakes his head" my poor little brother, can't you see that your arrogance becomes you? What truly makes you think you can take me down?" Rex growls and tries to lunge but his mate holds him back very firmly, surprisingly shes of beta rank like him. As I look between the girls that stand on either side of their mates, a sudden recognition hits me in the face" oh shit, their twins....damn"Rexs mate gets in front of rex and brings his head down to her and buries his head in into her neck and rubs circles on his arms. Rexs breathing returns to normal after a while and he calms down and his dark blue now light metal silver color like eyes return and his mate whispers in his ear and he smiles down at her and I now pick the time to mindlink my brother as I still lean against the tree that I still havent moved from." well that was fun to watch, glad to see you found yours here too." he smiles through the link"yeah I know, thanks, shes amazing. Her names autumn" I chuckle at him"yup like summertime and spring right?" He smiles"the best feeling in the world" I smile"good job keeping in control too man, you did good im proud of you Rex." he nods"thanks, dont you have a mate to get back to?"I laugh and raise my hands up in the link"alright alright ill leave you and her alone geez, im goin im goin, oh and if she wants to come with us she can"he nods"thanks Kratos"I smile"no problem"I end the link.

After that I come back inside the solar moon packhouse to find my gamma making out with who I'm guessing is her mate as I see them grind and hump each other like there's no tomorrow, unfortunately for them, my chuckle interrupts their moment. Lucia looks at me and hides her mate behind her from me as the long dark brown-haired girl blushes because they know they got caught technically fucking in the packhouse."Kratos what the hell, why do you always act like a shadow? You're a fuckin ninja" I laugh at her small outburst" yeah Lucia and your an assassin, whos your friend hiding behind you there?"Lucia gets up off the couch and holds hand with her mate whose form surprises me because she holds a familiar similarity to my mate, dark skin, long dark hair, and a sexy figure." this is my mate Ashley, she's Mikala's sister"I nod"what's sup?" she smiles"if you don't treat my sister right I'm guna put a bullet in your ass and shove my foot down your throat, capech?"I nod really fast, my mate comes down the steps in a long sleeve shirt and sweatpants and comes over to me and leans against my arm and kisses my right bicep as she stands next to me and looks up at me and pouts"daddy?"I smile at my name and look down at her with me still smiling"yes mami?" she gets on her tippy toes and pecks my lips"carry me upstairs?"I smile and pick her up and turns my head over my shoulder to her sister" she's not leaving me and I'm not breaking her heart or leaving her. Never. Believe that. "Her sister nods and then gestures us like she's shoowing wolf sized bugs away"go and hurry up so my lulu and I can get back to making out"Lucia giggles at her nickname and kisses Ashley's cheek"thank you baby"Ashely smiles and I take in the lesbian couple before me, both have dark skin, Lucia's light green, and Ashely'sdeep brown eyes, the amazing gamma team that they are makes me smile and I turn to my queen and smile at her"ready?" she giggles"yes daddy I'm ready" with that I carry her upstairs and into her room and close the door and I put her down and get on the bed with her on my lap and me holding her waist. 

She rubs my chest up and down and kisses my lips, I smile and respond back, we flip each other over and over to see who gets on top and after a while shes the winner, but only because she teased me and grinded against me and I growled in lust wanting more, hm no fair. Then as if God just had to ruin another love moment, his awesome judgment power chose that exact time for a problem to happen as I'm mind linked by one of my rogues" alpha! We're under attack! Desert land pack!"I growl"defend our home aslong as you can, weapons, traps the whole arsenal, we're on our way, hold out as long as you can, if it gets too much then go ghost" he nods"understood" I look up at mikala and frown and she frowns and lays her head on my chest as I rub her butt soothingly"baby I have to go back, my rogues are under attack by the desert land pack" she pulls her head up from my chest and smashes her lips to mine and pulls back"come back to me after it's all over"I nod"I promise"I kiss her one last time, as im walking out her room and downstairs I mindlink rex and lucia"rex, luci let's go, our home is under attack!" in a flash, they're infront of me and we run out the front door and back to our home where our wolves are fighting to protect our small territory, all three of us shift into our wolf forms and take off across the solar moon border and into our territory to find the one thing that for a time we didnt think but were prepared for to happen......War.

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