Rogues and Family part 2

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Kratos p.o.v

Now shifted into our wolf forms, Lucia, rex, and I run not too far behind Tyson and his men. Lucia mind links me"hey do you think they invited us so that they could keep tabs on us?"I shrug in through the mind link"I don't know, but I'm sure we'll find out when we get there." as we keep running I see a mansion like packhouse and we shift into our human forms and thrown clothes to put on and we go inside. I look around and I notice two men, solar moon and blood pulse alphas standing tall and(well to some would look intimidating but to me, they weren't even worth sinking my teeth or my claws into them. They aren't worth it) one-man bald, brown eyes and a small beard and a hard look but also laid back feature, looks at me and nods. The other alpha blood pulse, dark blonde hair, blueish silver eyes, hard face, and a tattoo of a dragon sleeved his left arm.Tyson walks over to the left side of the huge mahogany wood table-like desk, the other two alphas flanking his front and side. I nod at rex and Lucia to go and tour the territory and also mind-linked them both"play nice you two, rex keep your anger in check and don't lose control, if you see your brother keep a distance from him. And remember he doesn't know how strong you've become, don't give him any reason to find out. Lucia make sure you and him stay together, keep him in check as much you can and the same goes for you as I told him about his control and his anger. Remember we're guests here and we might not get another chance like this to provoke our good reputation. "They nod at me and walk out the door. I look at the three alphas in front of me and Tyson introduces both alphas" in front you is named alpha Mikhail, alpha of the solar moon pack. To your right is alpha Roman, alpha of the blood pulse pack. And you already know me." I nod and look at the three of them coldly" so what's the reason that I'm here? All three of you already know who I am, so I don't expect any sympathy." 

Mikhail speaks up"we've asked you to come because your present a problem and also a suspect, recent weeks ago we've had rogues passing through each of our territories, the only one that we can come up with is you Kratos. I've read reports about you, eight hundred strong after your original one hundred increased dramatically within the time you escaped the citadel. So I ask you Kratos, what makes you think you and your rogues can run free?" I sit in the chair and put my arms over my chest and closes my eyes, and leans back in the chair" just what makes you think it was my rogues that ran through your territory? My rogues have a home, my family has a home when before we had nothing but scraps of food and ice cold betrayal. We have nothing to gain by running through your territories, so I ask you why are you hunting us? Is it more than out of fear that we're more revolutionized than all three of your packs combined? Or is it because you fear me?"Tyson speaks"do you think we're scared of you?"I glance at him"hmph, you should be Tyson. My very presence is enough to provide the moral of one hundred wolves in the heat of war. Your nothing but a power-hungry pup wanting respect, haven't you learned that respect is earned and not given?" he growls and steps forward"ill show you to respect me you insolent mutt" I smile and chuckle"hmph then let's take this outside-"suddenly the most delicious smell of pineapples and strawberries with a small hint of vanilla hits my nose, my wolf paces back and forth in my mind. The door behind the four of us creaks open, I turn to the source of the succulent smell to be graced by the most beautiful heavenly gorgeous creature on earth, a goddess of pure beauty without any comparison against her. Deep brown eyes, shoulder-length brown and black hair, small waist, caramel mixed chocolate skin, double D breasts, and a crescent moon-like ass that I could smack just to hear her moan fill my ears, her lips plumb and kissable I wanted to take her in front of the other three Alphas right there and then but I restrained my action for a later time, her body of light chocolate I could run my hands all over and stare at her in astonishment at her beauty and watch as the sun makes her skin glow in our bed. After three years of hell, blood, and pain I found the one thing that ties my very existence to this earth. I found the glowing ray of lights, the woman who I would never break and shatter into pieces no matter how much my anger and rage demand it. I finally found my mate.

Rogue Alpha Lycan MateTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang