The Beginning Part 2

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Kratos p.o.v

A few hours later a man comes in, wearing a long white coat, brown hair, and grey eyes shielded by glasses. He looks at me and smiles devilishly at me showing his surprising hygiene of well-kept teeth" ahh, gentlemen here we have a very special guest to meet our acquaintance. I give you Kratos, the son of the strongest and most feared Rogue alpha known to humankind."I look at him in disgust and I sprint up to lunge at him only to be held back by the steel iron adamantium chains that held me back from getting to him, I look him right in the eyes"if you think I'm guna be your test rat, then break me outta these chains and see what my hands and feet have to say about it, Einstein. "Einstein laughs and steps back slightly"oh ho ho ho, temperamental temper and anger, ahh such a beautiful complexion of both when wanting freedom. But I'm afraid that for you dear boy, freedom will be the last thing you think about when I'm done with you." he raises his hand and three guards come into my cell and he turns around and walks out of the cell and stops and turns his head slightly over his shoulder"oh and welcome to the citadel of the black hunters' organization my boy." he chuckles"have as much fun as you want with him boys, break him and do as you please but leave him on the brink of death if you would so kindly please." The three men in front of me nod in unison" yes doctor". Einstein walks out the cell door and the man infront of me smiles and punches me in the face and the other two grab my arms and punch my ribs and push me against the wall and I slump down and all three of them look down at me and crack there knuckles"leave you on the brink of death huh? Hmmm wonder if he'd like you flattened or still standing heh heh heh"the first man grabs me and raises me against the wall by my neck and punches my rib again and I scream in pain as I feel my ribs crack and break, the other two punch and kick me and break the chains and throw me on the floor and bangs my head against the cement wall and I fall to the ground, blood gushing from my head and the second man comes over to me and pulls and twists my leg and I scream again and the third one twists and breaks my arm and they all laugh and throw me against the wall and the first one smiles"we're guna have alota fun messin you up kid heh heh heh heh heh"I growl at him weakly"y-you wont g-get a-away with t-this" he smiles and grabs my head and slams my head against the wall again and I fall to the floor and darkness consumes me as I pass out only to hear the words"heh, dont bet on it kid". 

For the next 5-6 hours, this continued nonstop until all three of the guards got tired, my wolf wasn't growling, wasn't growling in the rage of being tortured or the fact that I was getting beaten to near the point of death. I was bleeding so badly that at one point one of the medical nurses had to come in to reapply some ointment and band airs where I had scars and deep gashes, added to the fact that my wolf wasn't healing me was infuriating me even further as I was again set upon by the three guards who got a sick pleasure out of racketing my body with pain that I didn't think was ever humanly possible. For the first time in my life, while I went through days and seemingly endless nights of getting beaten and broken piece by piece, I prayed to whatever god was listening to my pains and cries of agony, in my Father's pack there was very little consistency on religion and to him, it didn't matter if you had a religion or not as long as no one in the pack was hurt or going against each other then you could have any religion you wanted. The night was quiet and the moon was full, I suddenly felt something deep within me stirring as the men continued their assault on me with bare knuckles and steel-toed shoes, I knew that at some point the beatings had to stop and after what seemed to be the final night of the beatings, I then made it my driven purpose to escape this hell that I was in and be free at last.

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