Chapter 12

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You ask, I shall deliver.  I'm so sorry for not updating I went through writers block and then school happened and then Corona happened so sorry but I'm back now! Hope all of you are staying safe!!

Tessa's POV

It's been a couple hours since Cas had left to check on the lady conjured him show his face and it's been starting to worry me. He's never left me alone this long without checking in on me but like clockwork I hear a "whoosh". Before I had a chance to turn around Cas was already hugging me and I can feel the tears on his cheeks.

"What's wrong! Are you hurt?!" I ask spinning in his arms and grabbing both sides of his face in my hands. Turing his head in my hands checking for wounds and wiping some of the tears he let flow down.

"She-she's blind because of me. But when I visited her I got her stable and out of the ICU with what my grace could do. I just couldn't save her vision! Her one prized possession Tes!" At this point he pulled me closer and stuck his face into my neck as I silently rubbed his back and ran my other hand through his hair. Softly whispering calming words into his ear when I feel that somethings off. I hear a voice in my head that sounds like... Dean? I let Cas go and stumble down falling onto the floor. I hold my head and bring up my knees to my chest. I try to talk back to him but I sense he picked up his gun, I yell for him to try and understand me but I can see a bunch of glass breaking around him until I'm snapped back to reality by Cas.

"Theresa! Theresa! Calm down!" He has pulled back now holding my head in his hands.

"I'm so confused Castiel! Why is everything happening now? What is happening now?" I say softly.

"Everything is going according to plan Tes. I can't tell you much because I don't even know a lot but the one thing I do know: you're going to play a big role in whatever this life gives you. Trust me Tes, you'll find out tonight." Castiel told me calmly stroking up and down my arms in soothing motions.
I crane my neck to look up at him, he had brought me into his embrace and was hugging me, looking him dead set in his baby blues.
"What's going on tonight?"

"I cannot tell you that Tes, you know this!"

"Pleaseee, pretty please with a cherry on top!!" I start to bat my eyelashes at him knowing that it makes him give in easily. Cas always had a weak spot for me and I got him to soften up after the first couple of months after we met.

"Do not start that Theresa, I swear-!" He starts to push me away but I keep batting my eyelashes and pulled out the showstopper: the puppy dog eyes.

"No! Tes! Just go call Gabe or something!" He shouts covering his eyes, then with another "woosh" Cas is vanished and reappeared in the living room. I roll my eyes and shout back at him.

"This isn't over Cassie!!"

"Yes it is. This is not up for discussion Theresa." Castiel said sternly. "All you have to do is wait a couple hours how bad can that be?"

"Soooooo very bad Cas! What if I die? What if I die because of the excruciating pain of being LEFT OUT OF THE LOOP JUST TELL ME CASTIEL!" By this point I ran into the living room trying to tackle Castiel but he is surprisingly fast.

"Nope! Now you've driven me to leave I'll come back to you when it's time later tonight." He turns and looks me straight in the eyes. I go to argue again but he cuts me off "And that's final Tess. You know I can't. And you know it hurts me keeping thing away from you but until things play out I can't do anything yet." He looks at me sadly giving me one last hug before vanishing again but this time I don't know where he is.

I honestly thought that I would know more now because of the whole Dean fiasco but I guess god loves kicking me in the ass. I plop down on our couch turning on the TV just to find that my favorite show is on: The Office! Though my mind can't stop swilling with questions. What is happening later tonight? Does it involve Dean again? Will I get to see Sam? Will I finally be able to leave this house on my own? I hope my dad is okay. Is it going to be angel business!? Will they finally let me become an ange!!??

With all this running through my head time flashed by in a blink of an eye. I've gone through 10 episodes and never called Gabe like I intended to before Cas bursts into the room.

"It's time now Tes! You have to grab my hand now for us to be summoned together!" He shouts quickly jumping towards me before I even have a chance to reach his hand. The house starts to shake and coincidentally so do I. Looking Castiel in the eyes with fear. I've never been summoned before!

"What's happening!!"  Then everything went black.

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