Chapter 7

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  That 10 minutes fucked me up. Firstly, I'm driving my car back home with Sam and Dean. Yes, Dean driving in the impala behind me and I still don't know how.

I was laying on the couch thinking about Dean when an idea came to mind. Gabe. I met Gabe in college, yes I went to college and got by degree but that's a whole other story. He was my best friend and helped me through a lot of stuff, so he'll know what to do. I pull out my phone and hit his contact which is in my favorites. After .2 seconds he picks up.

"Hey Sweets! How've you been?"

"I could be better right now." I tell him honestly "My really close friends got into a car accident. And I'm trying to stay calm, but-" I let out a sob.

"It's okay Tess! Just calm down. Breathe in," He pauses "and out. Just focus on my voice." Gabe keeps telling me sweet things and calming me down from my almost- panic attack. I also remember him murmuring about not awaking my powers just yet but I may have just been hearing things. Just like I had done with Dean. Right? Soon I'm muttering a thanks to Gabe, and him telling me he'll see me soon and to wait for Sam. Also telling Dean will be just fine and he knows that for a fact. I promise him that I will get him sweets next time we see each other again and with that we end our call. Now I feel more assured about Dean because Gabe is never wrong about this kinda stuff. But my head goes back to Sam. What's taking him so long? I got up to look in the hallway when everything started to go in slow motion. Deans monitors started going off the hook just as I see Sam drop his coffee and my water rushing into a room. Johns room. Soon doctors are pushing me away out of the room as they rush to Dean while other doctors rush to Johns room. I have NO idea what's going on, I look around frantically until all I see is black.

I start to wake up. Wake up? Did I just faint? You gotta be kidding me Tess! While everything was going on when Sam needed you the most you just faint! I feel a hand brush the hair away from my face and shush me, now that I think about it my head feels like it's on a lap. I stop my movements when I hear a door open and a familiar voice.

"She still out?" He asked, it was the voice of my father.

"Yeah, she's been movin' though. I guess she still moves in her sleep huh?" A smooth voice came from above me with a light chuckle at the end. It took me a minute to finally register who said that and who's lap I'm laying on but as soon as it clicked I shot up.

Let me tell you, that was a bad idea.

All the blood rushed to my head making me dizzy for a minute but then my head snapped in his direction. Deans direction.

"Dean?" My voice came out as a whisper.

"I think that's my cue to leave." My father grumbled and left the room.

"I'm here sweetheart, I'm really here." He opens his arms I turn in the hospital bed giving him a hug but not too tight. I hadn't noticed tears in my eyes until the pads of his thumbs were wiping them.

"Hey Tess don't cry! I'm okay! I swear! I told you I would come back." I had some weird sense of déjà vu because of the moment I had with Sam similar to this when I first got to the hospital. Weirdly he also hugged me tighter and kissed my head. I swear these boys are too alike sometimes. I hear the door open again a Sam walks in, he looks at the position me and Dean are in and then shoots Dean a look. Awkward tension filled the room until Dean asks Sam a question.

"Hey Sammy, is dad alright?"  This sounds horrible but for a moment I forgot about John.  I perked up to hear his response noticing that Dean hadn't let me go yet. Still captured in his arms I turn my head to Sam. He clears his throat and averts his eyes before continuing.

"He's okay, he wants to talk to you though Dean. Alone." Sam directs his eyes on me. I get the hint and try to untangle myself from Deans hold, he squeezes me one more time before letting me go. Sam meets me halfway and takes my hand to go outside and talk to my dad or at least that's what I thought. Sam took me to the end of the hall from Deans room as we watched John walk in.

"Hey, you want a coffee or tea?" He asked his hazel eyes shining from the non florissant hospital lights glancing at me.

"Tea please." I smile at him and he smiles back. He's really grown up since the last time I saw him became more of a man.

"Still like it the same way right?" He looks at me over his shoulder using his puppy dog look. Ugh sometimes he's so cute. Wait what.

"Uh, yeah. Thanks Sammy!" He chuckles and starts to put sugar, honey, and a little bit of lemon juice in my piping hot tea while putting cream in his coffee. "I still don't understand how you drink so much coffee and still are a giant! I thought that stuff was supposed to stunt your growth!" He shoots out another laugh a loud one at that too.

"Your just jealous that your little 5' 11'' ass isn't as tall as my 6' 4'' ass" he sassed back while handing me my tea. I giggle and shoot his a quick thanks I missed him so much. I see my dad by the waiting area and tell Sam I'm going to check in with him really quick, he nods and let's me go to Bobby. Everything seems to be going well until we hear a gunshot.

Now I'm sitting in my car on the way back to the salvage yard and my home with everyone except one person. Uncle John.

Hello! I'm so so sorry I haven't updated In a while I had half of this written just didn't have the time to finish it. I hope you guys understand, I had a lot going on for a while. I hope you like this chapter we're almost at 200 reads! Thats amazing! So thank you!! I'll try and have another chapter up soon. ❤️ Bye lovely's

Bobby's Daughter (Dean Winchester x OC) DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now