Chapter 8

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Quick note before hand: one, hello! Sorry I haven't updated in a while I've been having some writers block but I wanted to dedicate this chapter to @memawmay for being so supportive and just awesome so THANK YOU!!! ❤️❤️ alright here's your new chapter! OH and OVER 500 READS WOW THANK YOU!

Tessa's POV

We're all finally back home after the long drive. Well, it felt longer than it was before. There seems to be a dark cloud looming over us and I don't know how to fix it this time. Once we all got back I went to my room, Sam did the same. I heard my dad and Dean talking but it didn't last long until I heard a door slam and someone going out into the car yard. All I keep thinking is: These boys can't catch a break. Why does the universe want to make their lives as hard as possible?? No one really knows how to handle this. My dad lost his best friend, my boys lost their Dad, I only lost an uncle and I know what I'm feeling. It must be X100000 worse for my boys. There must be something I can do. . . Wait. If I could hear Dean when he was on the brink of death maybe I can find some way to communicate with John! Perfect! Maybe I can find a way to bring him back! But I have to wait until everyone's asleep, okay calm down Tess you don't even know if it's going to work. As soon as I though that a high pitched ringing sounded in my ear but it wasn't just the normal ringing it sounded like it said something. I shake it off and carry on plotting my way to try and get John back.

Halfway through a lore book and I hear something pounding on metal, or at least it sounds like it. I peak out of my window and see Dean pounding on the impala! I rush downstairs and bust through the doors ignoring the looks given by my father and rush to Dean taking the crowbar out of his hands.

"What!?" Dean yells at me. I can see the hurt, pain, and anger in his eyes until he notices it's me and his eyes softened.

"What are you doing?" My voice comes out in a whisper.

" I-I need, . . . I need time Tess. You can't help me this time." He says harshly at the end.

"But Dean-"


"Dean-" I try again biting my lip to keep my tears at bay.

"Just leave Theresa." That last one hit me right in the heart but this pushed the dagger deeper. He pushed past me and stormed somewhere else, I see Sam step outside.

"Tessa-" he reaches out for me. I crash into his chest letting the tears finally fall soaking his shirt as he whispers loving things into my ear. He rubs my back and squeezes me tight to him.

"Sam! I can't help him, I can't help anyone." I sob into his chest.

"Shhh Tess, you always help anyway you can. It's not your fault, it's just Dean being, well, Dean." He lets out a strained laugh. I look up at him with hurt eyes still watering.

"Should I leave?"

"NO! Of course not! He'll get over it soon just relax I'll go talk to him, okay?" I give him a weak nod and with one more squeeze and a swift kiss on the head he was off in the direction Dean went. I debated where I wanted to go but there was always one spot that calmed me down.

As I sat on top of the truck that holds so many memories for me, I start to cry again. This time calling out to anyone who can hear me.

"If there's anyone out there listening, god, angels, anyone. Please, PLEASE, help the Winchester's! I can't stand to see them in pain, I'll do whatever it takes." I plea. I hear a high pitch ringing again but this time I hear a mans voice.

"Are you positive that you'll do anything for the Winchester's?" He asks.

"Yes, but who are you?"

"My name is Castiel, I am an angel of the lord and you, my dear Theresa, are very important to keep away from the other angels. If you want to help the Winchester's you need to come with me. Now." An angel? That's crazy! They aren't real, I must be really out of it.

"You are not imagining things Theresa, but if we are going to do this we need to go now." Castiel states. I think for a moment and figure out my decision.  

Deans POV

"I swear Sammy get away from me. I'm not dealing with this again." I radiate anger trying to get away from Sam. Can't anyone realize I want to be alone? 

"I'm just saying, hear her out Dean! She's always been there for you and she's just trying her best to make you feel better! I would kill to have that with her." Sam says, more like yells at me until the last part that one came out more as a mumble and I don't think I was meant to hear it. That makes my blood boil since when has he thought of her in that way? I'm about to argue back again when we see a blinding light come from on top of a truck and a sharp scream . . . Tessa!

"TESS!" Sam yells completely forgetting about me and bolting into the direction of the light. Something came over me and I find myself running faster than Sam to get to her. She has to still be here, right? She can't leave, she won't. What if someone took her and the last things I said to her was I wanted her to leave. This can't be happening. All these thoughts are running through my head I don't even notice I got on top of the truck and she is nowhere to be seen.

"No." I whisper.
"NO NO NO! PLEASE NO! TESSA! please. Don't be gone, YOU CANT BE GONE! YOU CANT LEAVE ME!" I fall down to my knees pounding my fists against the metal, hot tears are rolling down my face how can my life get any worse?

Again I am so sorry I haven't updated in a LONG time, Ha, but I hope you like this chapter I have a story I want to go along with and I think I might jump to around season 4 after this chapter if y'all are okay with that. Happy Easter if you read this tomorrow 😂! ❤️✌️

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