Meet the others.

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(A/N: I do not own any of the characters from Rick Riordan!)
English is not my main language so if their are any mistakes pleas let me now!)

Chapter 6

Annabeth POV

I was just about to go to Percy when I saw Jason standing on halfblood hill. While I was walking towards him, I noticed he wasn't alone, 'Piper! Jason!' I yelled when I was almost there. Then I saw her, the girl I saw in my vision, they founded her. Piper waved and said 'Annabeth, i would like you to meet, calliope.' She pointed to the girl behind her. We hugged and then I turned to calliope.
'Are you a halfblood?' She shrugged, 'apparently so.' I nodded and I waved at them to follow me, we went to the big house for a meeting, on the way there I asked, 'your earlier back than I had expected, Just 1 day. What happend there?' 'A lot.' Piper said.

Calliope POV

Annabeth told me about the gods and all the stuff I needed to now. She was a daughter of Athena, piper a daughter of Aphrodite and Jason the son of Jupiter, (Zeus in Greek) 'so, Jason is Roman and you two are greek halfbloods.' 'yes and you are a halfblood aswel, we only don't now if your Greek or Roman, but we will see.' When we arrived at a big blue house annabeth said,'welcome to the big house here you wil meet Chiron.' 'Who's Chiron?' I asked, I looked around but saw no one who looked like "Chiron"

'Jason, piper, welcome back already.' Someone said behind me, I turned around and almost jumped. Chiron was a centaur, I remember them from my history class, 'wow!!' Was the only thing I managed to say. 'Chiron, this is Calliope, she is our new halfblood.' Jason said, 'We met her on that school we needed to go to.' Piper added, 'oh' I said, 'about that, why did you needed to go their in the first place.' Annabeth patted my shoulder, 'We will explain everything in a Minute, but first Jason, get the others.' Jason ran of and we went inside.

I didn't now who the other where but after about 5 minutes, 4 other poeple walked in the room.
-The first one was girl she looked younger than the other 4, even younger than me I guessed about 13 or 14. She had brown wavy hair and a darker skin tone, she sat down in front of piper who sat next to me on the left.
-The second to enter was a guy around my age, he looked like wrestler but his face did not look like a cool guy, but more like small child. He sat down on the right of the girl with wavy hair, they looked at me, a bit confused.
-then another guy walked in, a boy with black hair and sea green eyes, he sat down between Annabeth and hazel.
-the last one who entered the room was a guy covered in grease, he had curly black hair and pointy ears, he was also holding a hammer for some strange reason. He putted his hammer in a tool belt around his waist, and sat down in the chair next to me.

'As manny of you have seen, we have a new camper here.' Annabeth said looking in my direction. Every one nodded, 'so, this is Calliope. Calliope these are: Hazel Levesque, Frank Zhang, Percy Jackson and Leo Valdez.' She pointed to each one when she said there names, I waved and said,'hey.' Annabeth clapped you get our attention,'as I said jester day, piper and Jason went to the school today I told them to go, but I did not say why, correct?' They all nodded. Next to me Leo whispered to me, ' I think that this is going to take a wile.' And he took something out his tool belt and started twisting and turning it, it looked like a smal toy car, but I nodded and I remembered that she was the daughter of Athena, the goddess of wisdom, she must be a good and Lang talker, Annabeth continued, 'well. I didn't say anything because, I new who we were looking for and....' I interrupted her by raising my hand and asked,' but if you new who to look for, than why keep it a secret?' 'Yeah, if we new who to look for we could have gotten out of school way earlier, and without the monster attacking us.' Jason said, 'wait a monster?' The guy nemen Percy said while looking at us. 'Yeah, 2, I was their.' said.While sitting back in my chair. They all looked at me and I quickly added, ' they told me to hide behind a desk, no one got hurt.' Hazel sight in relief. 'Like I was saying, I wanted to tell you but was not allowed to, I just had to hope you would get the right person.' The meeting went smoothly, we filled each other in about what had happened and question's were asked. When the sun started to go down, the meeting ended. When I was listening to the others I also figured out that piper and Jason where a couple, the same for percy and Annabeth, and for Hazel and Fank. Leo on the other hand had made a flying toy car, the one I saw him pulling out of his tool belt, it flew around the table but no one payed much attention to it. Chiron listened and nodded most of the time.

On the end everyone went outside, Annabeth and Percy stayed and explained a little bit more about the camp. 'we hope you are going to be claimed tonight.' Percy said, 'with claiming, you meen that your godly parent claims you?' They nodded, 'Usually halfbloods get claimed when we have a campfire in the evening.' Annabeth explained, they guided me towards a big group surrounding a big campfire.

I was being introduced and I sat down next to Annabeth, because I didn't now where to go. Jason was telling about what happens in school when he abruptly stopt and everyone gasped, I looked around and saw that their faces had a slightly golden colour, then u noticed that they were looking at me, some even pointed, I didn't understand it, until I looked up.

!!I do not any of the Characters from Rick Riordan!!

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