Visiting Olympus!

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(A/N: like I promised another chapter is released, enjoy!
I do not own any of the characters from Rick Riordan!)
English is not my main language so if their are any mistakes pleas let me now!)

Chapter 14


On the way to my cabin Harley had grabbed one of my legs, he did that sometimes but no matter how manny times I asked him to stop he wouldn't, when me and my cabin mates walked in our cabin Harley had let go, thankfully, and they all started asking questions, I answered most of them because on not all of the questions I new an answer. After a little while I convinced my cabin mates I was gonna get some sleep, they agreed and went to the forges didn't I could rest. ( how sweet.)

I woke somewhere around the evening by the smell of food, dinner time!
I went into the shower and got dressed then I walked to the dinning pavilion, when I arrived a horn blew, everyone got their food and sat down, only to notice that calliope and Chiron weren't there, I asked nyssa who looked a bit worried, 'maybe something with that bow?' She said but it more sounded like a question, I slowly nodded, something was of, if even Chiron is gone just for a bow? Yeah okay, I get it, it's Apollo's bow but still. After dinner I went to bunker nine with the rest of my cabin.

Calliope POV

Chiron and I went to Olympus, it was beautiful! It was just as I imagined it to be. Chiron told me to wait outside while he was getting my father. After a few minutes Chiron came back with a dude that looked like Will, my half brother, the bow on my back started glowing and I figured that that dude must be my dad, Apollo. I wonder why I had to get this bow and for what reason, something told me it was not good news that I had to go and find it so quick, they came up to me and Chiron asked, 'why did she had to find your bow, and why now.' The exact same question I had in mind, wonder what he'll say.

(A/N: I do not any of the Characters from Rick Riordan!!)

¡Sorry for the short chapter¡

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