Making new friends.

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(A/N: I do not own any of the characters from Rick Riordan!)
English is not my main language so if their are any mistakes pleas let me now!)

Chapter 3

Calliope POV

After the first half of school Eilidh and I walked to the cafeteria together, we talked about our class, Eilidh was just talking about the teacher when I saw Piper and Jason walking by, they kept looking around them like their shadows where hunting them. I wanted to now why they where so worried so I went to them.

Jason POV

'O no someone is coming, act naturally.' I said to Piper who looked around her, spotted the girl who was approaching, and then looked back like nothing happened.

Calliope POV

'Hello, I'm Calliope and this is Eilidh.' I pointed to my friend next to me. 'Hey, I'm Piper and this is Jason.' She pointed to the guy next of her, 'yeah, we now.' Eilidh said and we all laughed, 'hey, imma be right back, I forgot my jacked.' Eilidh said and headed inside.

'can I ask you something?' I asked, when we I was sure she left. Piper nodded and so did Jason. 'You two are acting strange, I mean that you two keep looking around like you're being followed.' Jason's expression hardened and Piper looked at Jason in...fear? 'What do you mean?' Jason asked, 'This morning, you kept looking out the window and you keep looking around.' I explained 'Ooh.' Jason looked around, grabbed my arm and pulled me along. 'What are you doing?'

Piper and Jason led me trough the building and we went in to the first class that was open. 'Can you keep a secret?' Jason asked, 'uh.. yeah, yeah I can.' I said, a bit confused. 'Why?' The two looked around and then said in a whisper,'We áre being a monster.' Oh it is just a monster...wait...'A what?!'

Piper POV

'Listen...we can expla..' I was interrupted when the building begin to shake. 'What was that?' Calliope asked, 'Oh no.' Jason what to the door, opened it and slammed the door just as quickly. 'It followed us to the school.' Jason said, 'get your sword I wil take my dagger and Calliope...hide.'

Calliope POV

I did as I was told, I wanted to protest but I couldn't. 'okay.' I said in a smal voice. I hid under the teacher's desk and looked from the side what was going on. 'When the monster comes trough, use your charm speak to stop it so I can "try" killing it.' Jason said, when he turned to the desk where I was hide her to see if I was still there, the door shattered into splinters. 'Oh no, there's a second one.' Piper said turning her head to Jason.

The monsters came in and attacked right away. 'Stop!' Piper yelled, 'stop and leave!' I don't now why but I was tempted to stand up and leave the classroom, I managed not to, but stil, it was hard, the monsters however weren't affected. I looked at Jason and now he was holding a golden sword, he ran to the monsters and he attacked, one of the monsters kept Jason occupied and the other one went for Piper. 'Back of!' She yelled but the monster kept coming. 'Why isn't it working.' She said and she ran behind a desk. 'I don't now.' Jason said back. Jason ran behind the monster and stabbed it, the monster jumped in surprise and vaporised in to golden dust. I was not watching what Piper was doing until I heard a scream from her direction, and Jason yelled, 'PIPER!!'

(Sorry for the cliffhanger!)
!!I do not any of the Characters from Rick Riordan!!

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