A crazy morning!

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(A/N: like I promised I would post another chapter this week, so enjoy!
I do not own any of the characters from Rick Riordan!)
English is not my main language so if their are any mistakes pleas let me now!)

Chapter 2

Piper's POV

'Ruuuuun!' I jelled when the roaring of a monster got closer. Jason and I where on our way to school, because Annabeth tolt us to. She had a vision to go their, she doesn't want to give us any details so we have no clue why we have to go. Jason thought it was a good idea to vote who would go, Hazel, Frank and Jason came to camp halfblood just for that reason. So cute!

Everybody thought it was a good idea that I should go because charm speak can be very useful in school, for example: if you're late for class you can say anything you like and the teacher won't even now that it's not true.

We had voted on who els should come aswel and Jason just volunteered, Why, I had no idea. So, Jason and I just left and when we sett one step out of camp a monster started following us. Lucky us!

We tried to fight but because we were going to a place withe a lot of people we didn't want to risk it to take weapons withe us, of course I had my dagger katoptris in my bag, and Jason had his coin, but the monster was so quick, I just didn't have the time to take it. When fighting wasn't an option we tried to lose it in the forest, guest what..no luck, it keeps following us. We ran out of the forest on to the street and stopt the first car we saw, 'Stop!' I held putting a lot of charm speak in the word so the car would stop, it did and we went to the driver, 'Sir, we need to go to the city can you bring us there?'when I was talking, Jason kept looking back to see if the monster wasn't behind us, 'Uh, okay.' The driver said, but I know that he is confused, we got in the car and drove of.

Jason POV

When we got out of the forest Piper yelled, 'Stop!' I now that it was for the car that was comming our way but her charm speak was so good I almost stopt running away from the forest and I did not now what the monster would think when it saw me just standing there. "Oh, look, that was easy, now I have dinner!" No, I would not end that way, when Piper talked to the driver I kept looking behind us to see if the monster was their, I did not see it, what made me feel on easy. 'Jason, het in.' Piper said and I did, the further away from the monster the better.

We drove past the forest on a high speed, the trees flashing by until we reached the city. The driver set us of and we do the rest by foot, 'hé, Piper, do you now de way?' I asked, 'yes, follow me.' She led us to a big building, I now it was the school but the playground was empty, 'o no,'I said the school already started.''then we better hurry.'Piper Smiled, 'on the first day of school we're already late for class.'

Piper POV

After we talked our way in, and asking the teachers, who were stil in the hallways, where to go, ( we got lost at least 5 times.) we made it to our class safely. Jason nocked and we heard a voice say,"yes, come in" we walked in and Jason said, 'sorry teach.''traffic.' I continued, we went to sit down, when we sat the teacher asked, 'names?' I answered first,'Piper McLean.' 'Jason Grace.' The teacher nodded and went on withe calling names, 'Calliope Lee.' 'Here.' Answered a girl, I looked out the window and prayed that the monster had not followed us.

!!I do not any of the Characters from Rick Riordan!!

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Every week will come a new chapter!

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