"It is not, it scientifically can't be because can't be proven," I argue. Now to get out of here and get to the Feds without dying...

Kai sighs this time, petting my head like a puppy now that my hair is free of tangles. "Anyway all females, mated to werewolves, or those who are werewolves, go into heat once they've begun the mating proces—"

"And what is this so called 'mating process,'" I snort.

Kai lets out a laugh, though this time it's genuine. "That'd be when I bit you," he claims, pushing my hair aside to reveal my shoulder. "Here." He punctuates the word with a tap on my bite mark.

Instantly I let out a choked gasp, unable to do very much, even breathe. I feel my lower muscles clench around nothing and a tear leaks out of my eye. "Wha—"

"Did you notice that happens every time you touch that mark? Is that proof enough?" I'm about to give my reply when he does it again.

"Ah," I whimper, trying to ease away from him. Finding that I can't, I shake my head and grit my teeth against the sensations. "No."

"Okay," he murmurs, obviously not giving up on making me believe his psychotic story. "What about the heat? You don't accept this as an explanation for that?"

"Uh-uh," I whimper. At this, Kai lets out another exasperated sigh and pushes me off of his lap, causing me to let out a choked cry. "What're you doing?"

Kai doesn't give me a reply. "Eyes on me," he orders. With agonizing effort, I comply, curious about his next trick in his crazy magic show. I manage to turn my head, facing Kai who stands naked, only a few feet away from the air mattress. "Eyes up here," Kai specifies, pointing a finger at his face when he realizes that my gaze has flown to his lower half. "And I know you probably can't move right now. But, just, don't freak out."

I give my boyfriend, who has sadly lost his mind—or never had it—a conciliatory nod. He sighs, eyes closing for the briefest of seconds before opening again, revealing neon green irises. I'd seen this before, so it didn't cause me any shock. However as Kai's body lowers to the ground, I can't help but call out to him.

"Kai," I cry out in fear. His answer is a series of quiet snarls and growls as his back arches inhumanely and dark hair begins to overtake his naked body.

Within seconds, before me stands a gigantic wolf. It's black, with streaks of brown throughout its fur, and it's positively huge. I want to back away, to hide in the furthest recesses of this cave, to find my goddamned boyfriend, but I can't.

Because it's... him.

Standing in Kai's place, with Kai's green eyes is a wolf. That is also... Kai? 

I choke on air as I try to breathe. If this is how they convert people then that  would definitely explain why they haven't all been institutionalized.

My blood feeling far too thin in my veins and my heartbeat pounding like a drum in my head, I expect the wolf to come closer, but he must obviously sense my fear as he rests his giant head on his paws, lying down as though he wants to prove he's not a threat.

Grimacing only slightly, I push myself up onto my hands, the air mattress crinkling beneath my palms. I force myself to crawl towards him and sit back on my haunches once I'm in front of him. Gingerly, I lift a hand, needing to reach out and touch him. To verify that he's... whatever this is.

The wolf's tail begins to wag and his jaws part in a puppy-like smile, giving me a good look at its sharp teeth. Involuntarily, I flinch and the wolf's eyes flash to Kai's original brown, the deep pools of chocolate that illustrate their owner's broken heart as a result of my fear. "Sorry," I whisper. I'm rightfully shaken up and on edge after seeing this and it's evident in my tone. "K-Kai?"

I'm stuttering again, and while it's evident he doesn't like that, he gives a small nod and raising his head, licks me.

I close my eyes as I register the feeling of his saliva that trails from my extended hand, over half of my chest and the side of my face. "Yep," I roll my lips inward and nod, finally fisting a hand in his velvety soft fur. "You're Kai, alright."

He barks out a laugh and in a flash Kai is back, eyes fading to their natural brown as he rolls on the ground. Clutching his belly as he cackles with laughter. "Believe me now, Becks?"

I spit toward the water, feeling wolfy drool headed toward my mouth. I open my eyes again, mentally cursing as my vision begins to pinhole. "I... Just... Um, yeah. Just... you've uh got a lot of explaining to d—" 

Everything fades to black.

😊✌🏽Next update on Saturday .❤️

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