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I feel so upset. I have been away from this for a whole year! So I have read messages WAY too late. My account was locked for a while.

This is the end of the book unfortunately. I hope you have been enjoying this. Thank you so much for the HUGE amount of reads so far! I still get notofications!

If you are a person I have not been able to reach I am SO sorry. I havent been ignoring anyone at all!

I have been struggling myself, quite a lot. Family deaths etc. My faith had been attacked, horrible things have happened this past year. I need to keep picking up my cross.

I forgot I even wrote this book. I looked back on this book and smiled because people are still seeking god. So thank you for everything. The notification and compliments. It makes me smile.

Thank you so much! (Sorry I keep saying thay) and god bless you all x

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