Christians With E. D

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Heyy, I realised that there are Christians going through the struggles of an E. D (Eating disorder) since there has been an uprise of these things I will link channels I have seen of this.

This channel is educating shanny, this is a Christian woman who has been through anorexia, bulimia, gastreioparesis (mightve spellt that wrong) teeth problems and more. She has talked about self harm, molestation, and much more. Whats best is she is a Christian and had experience in life. I think she's been bulimic 17 years and partly anorexic sometime. She knows quite a lot about EDs and their affects.

This woman is the best to watch as she is so kind, smart, funny and honest. I personally love her. I linked a vid but it's not the best of her vids (chose one at random) I am addicted to watching her.

The video above isn't exactly a channel like shanny but it still helps, this is a testimony on E. D

Another peice of knowledge to know is God loved and created you a certain way, you do not need to throw up or starve to be perfect in his eyes. This "Ana" or whatever names you give this disorder isn't helping you. It's satan attacking you in hopes of stealing your faith and die in sin.

Ways this disorder is sinful

*It takes a lot of time focusing on yourself~ it leads to self obsession and vanity. Vanity is a sin.

Romans 12:2
Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.

It also says in the Bible our body is a temple and we shall keep it holy. So to starve and harm yourself is not holy. Or overeat as gluttony is a sin.

*It also ruins the relationships we have to others, it upsets brothers, sisters, mothers and brothers. Remember so unto others what you want done unto you. Imagine someone putting you through the hurt of watching them hate themselves to death!

Remember satan is telling you that what God made you to be isn't enough. He is "the father of lies" he tempted jesus and he will tempt us.

Remember God mads you special and he loves you. He formed you in your mother's womb.

This disorder can be helped of you pray and seek help. Reach out to others and save yourself. God could use you as you have a purpose in this life. If you are comfortable use this struggle as a victory and testimony. God doesn't want you to struggle mentally it is Satan's illness and not yours!

Anyways I love all of you and if you help I'm here!

God bless you all x

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