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Ok, this is going to be a touchy subject for the many

I bet you're thinking... "UH OH WHAT DOES GOD WANT TO TAKE AWAY KNOW"

but actually, I think of it as, "what does God want to give to me?"

And I honestly can't tell you enough- what you're about to hear will MAKE and RUIN your day.

Pre warning- Do not try to attract a man through makeup/hair etc. as the man that God has planned for you will love and accept JUST the way you are without  fake tan/lashes/foundation/etc

The Good news:

You know that God loves you for who you are right? in his eyes you are beautiful and made perfectly- unlike society he feels that your body is A-OK and your hair is fantastic etc etc

Scripture tells us that we ALL are "fearfully and wonderfully made"

Now... this kinda leads on to the Bad part... BUT KEEP READING!

The bad ole news:

Watch this video (please)

So God basically wants you to be you: and... that makeup is NOT you.

(she looks way better- even my little sister said she looks wayyy better without the makeup which is pretty much the way God sees it too)

All source of makeup is to distract us anyways! It blinds us from realising that God wants us to be beautiful on the inside, and not be vain.

We can wear makeup in a Godly fashion but with Smokey seductive eyes- I DONT THINK SO SISTER ;p

I will tell you MY personal routine to help you along with this as I practise what I preach- I do not wear makeup (I mean anymore...I loved makeup)

MY personal makeup routine:

Step 1) Wash face

Step 2) Moisturise face

Step 3) *wishes she had black mascara or falsies* wear clear mascara

step 4) Draw on eyebrows cuz I hardly have any... oops!

Step 5) Chapstick/lip balm/clear lip-gloss is the way to go (or Vaseline)

My skin routine is simply:

*Wash face

*Dry face

*Moisturise face

If you have acne you may chose to use aloe Vera or any medicines, or any other skin conditions

Now my hair:

( I have bleached/dip dyed hair- because I did this not knowing that it is wrong I'm just like...


But anyways:

1) wash/condition/blowdry and cream hair

2) use hair, skin and nail tablets to thicken and help grow healthy my skin, hair and nails

3) clear coat of nail polish and whiten tips is good, maybe even buff and file nails (I'm including this in hair btw deal with it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)

DONE (I also take vitamins to regulate my body and to keep me healthy)

think of it this way

*It saves time

*It can help make you more healthy

*more naturally accepting of the way you look

*God likes it

When my mum showed me the video above, I'm going to tell you- it broke my heart


but that's the small price I will pay, being a Christian isn't ever going to be easy but it Is always worth it. Jesus sacrificed his life so- so our sacrifices mean literally nothing anyways... XD

My mum is raw- she tells it how it is, she said to me "Makup or your soul"- that's deep

But it's the truth and the truth hurts.

You can say I am talking rubbish or that God is a meanie, but it's how it is.


note: I will update this and provide a face/hair/nails picture or even try to do makeup/skin/nail routine on youtube one day :p

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