Healing And Acceptance

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This is like my other chapter and its on returning when you have failed. However its on pasts and experiences which make it harder to accept healing and turn to God.

Disclaimer I only can help spiritually, with this being said, if your going through something traumatic, serious or that is putting you in danger please seek help, there is hotlines available (will be provided) talk to someone you know, love and trust as I do not know what is happening to you. Pray about it too.

Back to healing. We cannot be healed if we do not accept it. God says "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight." - Proverbs 3:5-6"

We must first trust God, if we seek we will find. Knock and the door shall be opened unto you. God says this because he wants to carry the burden from your shoulders and he wants you to have peace.

All we have to do is confess our sins, ask God for what we want, tell him how we feel, thank God for all he has done and what he will do.

No matter what guilt you feel, or how terrible your feeling, God will listen to those who want to find him, and want to be set free from sin and sorrow.

Past hurt to you needs to be forgiven by you, forgive like jesus has done to you or you will not enter heaven. A testimony was on a man who forgave someone who killed his mother and for years he was in rage but learnt to forgive and accept the man even through his sin.

If your past was hard, realise that God understands your pain, realise that God loves you and wants you come to him. "God makes a home for the lonely; He leads out the prisoners into prosperity" He has a plan for you. If you have an issue, you could watch testimonies on that specific issue so it's more direct to you and your feelings/experiences.

If you have time I will link movies or testimonies that will help and encourage those who need God to help.

The encounter:
*It covers issues on faith, why bad things happen, listening to God, God's love, relationships, pasts, suicide and more it's good once you get into it.

A movie/testimony of nikki(nicki) cruiz, a troubled kid from Puerto Rico who goes into a spiral of fornication, violence and gang related issues. He learns to love and accept christ and gain a better life. A girl goes through drug abuse and relationship problems and a girl who seems neglected. The pastor in this saves two rival gangs.

Suicide testimony:

Testimony of an ex drug dealer who took drugs:

Sexual abuse female:

Male sexual assault/molestation

(there is more topics, if you have any requests then please say!)

I'm not saying that these are the problems you may have or may not have, it's a guide of testimonies, other topics are as just as important of course.

To accept the past and move on God is waiting to help and care and support you. Look at the story of job, God saw and knew the pain job suffered, and he took care of job through his loss, sorrow and confusion.

(This was quite rushed, I'm so sorry!!!)

God bless you guys and your always welcome if you want a chat/advice etc


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