That Butler, Competition 2

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"Well, we're stuck with nothing to do but sit back and wait, hmm—" Lau started to say when the crowd suddenly got excited.

"Say! Look at that!" a man standing close to them shouted suddenly, pointing at Agni.

Agni quickly removed the bandages from his 'right had of god' and, without even looking, swiftly grabbed a precise amount of each of his spices and flung them into the pan with ninja-like reflexes.

"Fast—!!" Chêne yelled, eyes slightly wide with surprise. She knew Agni was capable of incredible speed from watching him fight, but to think that he could instinctively measure spices faster than the blink of an eye like that was just incredible! Agni had just earned a whole new level of respect from Chêne.

"That Indian's hand practically has a life of its own!" A man yelled in astonishment.

"And what a lovely aroma..." The woman beside him said dreamily.

"Ha!" West laughed, grinning smugly. He had this contest in the bag! "That's the right hand of god for you. This'll be like taking candy from a—" West shivered. What was this impressive aura he was suddenly feeling...? "!?" West said, shocked as he turned to see where it was coming from. He and the audience watched, amazed, as Sebastian quickly removed his coat, rolled up his sleeves, and swiftly selected several different spices with all the speed and agility of a true ninja, before tossing them in the pan like a boss, grinning confidently.

"Baam!" Chêne said, imitating the famous Chef Emeril as she cheered for Sebastian, grinning impishly.

"Funtom's amazing too!!" a man yelled excitedly.

"And it smells just as great!" another added as the whole crowd began to cheer enthusiastically for their favorite chef.

"Tch!" Ciel said, clicking his tongue in disappointment. "Alas, it doesn't seem as though he'll go down easily," Ciel muttered. Chêne stopped cheering and stared at the young earl, eyes wide with surprise.

"Eh...? You mean you really do want him to lose!? Then why did we enter in the first place—Do you know that I can't even look a chicken properly anymore after eating so much of it!?" Chêne yelled incredulously.

"You say that like it's my problem..." Ciel said, sweat-dropping. She should've just hid underneath his desk when she'd had enough, like she used to do when Sebastian was first learning to cook like a human...

"Ahahaha! You bully~!" Lau laughed, smiling in amusement. He never would've guessed that Chêne of all people would be scarred by food.

"Wha..." West said, sweating nervously. 'Why!? Why can that butler blend those spices!?' West wondered incredulously. This was just not possible! 'No... but he's an Englishman. He can't win against Agni by simply observing and imitating...'

"Hey! What in the blazes is he doing!?" A man yelled incredulously as he pointed at Sebastian.

"!?" West said, flinching in shock. "He's putting something black in the curry pot! No, it can't be...! Is that chocolate!?" West yelled, stunned, as they all watched Sebastian break pieces of chocolate off of a Funtom chocolate bar and drop them into the curry.

"Chocolate in curry!?" another man yelled incredulously.

"I'm going to be sick..." a woman moaned miserably as she covered her mouth.

"What is going through that man's head?" another woman asked, horrified.

"Mummyyyy~! I want to eat chocolate~!" the woman's son said excitedly, tugging on her sleeve.

"Hahahaha! Leave it to Funtom, the candy king! What a novel method of advertisement!" West said, laughing boldly as he threw his head back.

That Butler, New FaceNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ