Chapter 31

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I had told my mum and friends what Drew and I planned to do. I could see the conflicted look in my mother's eyes, especially seeing first-hand how easily I was able to end a life in such a brutal fashion. The look in her eyes was all I needed to see to hesitate on my decision to go back but, after she realised how much I needed to do this and that I was doing it for her and the people I cared about, her eyes became much less sad and she looked proud. Proud of how much I cared about everyone still and how far I would go for them. I would've though that she would've protested much more, but it seemed that she already knew, to some degree, that I was going to want to go back to end this once and for all. That's mums I guess. They really do know everything. 

I knew that she wasn't afraid of me and still wholeheartedly trusted me, and knowing that helped my decision feel more real.

My friends were of course very sad. I had just come back. But after I explained how they wouldn't be safe with the academy still around they understood. They didn't like it and I could tell that Jessica wanted to come along with me but felt like she would be a burden.

She would be, unfortunately, but that didn't mean I would miss her any less, or that my want for her to come with us would wane even a little.

Only Drew and I had the ability, practise and knowledge to be able to defeat such a formidable enemy. So we had to try with everything we had and not let anything or anyone get in our way. If something like that happened, we wouldn't be able to protect them. I could not allow anyone to be in danger anymore.

It was then we decided to spend the day together. I didn't know if I was going to see my family or friends again because if I failed then I would be dead. The day was spent out with everyone trying to have fun and doing all the things that I had missed while kidnapped.

Although the thought of how we were going to get our objective done was hanging over me, I still enjoyed the day. The distraction really helped me relax, which in turn helped with the planning that was going on in my mind.

Since it was decided that Drew and I would go back to help destroy that vile place, I had been formulating some plans in my head of how we were going to do this.

I had been struggling with it up until spending time with everyone. I hadn't been excited about it because I was focused on other things, but I guess I needed to take a step back and calm myself to be able to see the full picture.

I hadn't come up with a full plan but I was much further along compared to before. The probability of us getting through this relied heavily on the plan that both me and Drew were able to come up with. I had come up with a lot of different ways we could avoid suspicion on the way there but I was still lacking on how we were supposed to get into that place.

The saving grace was that because I had gone on two missions I had seen where the lair was and was able to more accurately picture the layout in my mind. Drew had obviously seen the place before but being able to picture it in your own head is a massive advantage in any situation.

I looked over to Drew and saw that while she looked completely focused on planning, her mind was drifting. Worry was evident on her face.

"I know we can do this." I said, walking over to her.

She looked up, broken from her uneasy thoughts.

"I know that it sounds like a suicide mission, but," Adding emphasis at the end, I continued. "It's us that are doing this. "

I wasn't saying this to be conceited, or frame us as the best in the business, but the trust between us was enough to rival anyone at that place. Our goals and passion to take down these people was enough to carry us over the edge to being as optimised as we could at this very moment.  Apart, we would struggle tremendously and probably fail. Unfortunately for them, we were together and could rely on each other whole heartedly.

The girls that they had now lacked the one thing that we had built up and kept throughout the whole ordeal: Being able to trust someone with our lives.

It wasn't something that any of the girls in either mine or Drew's years had kept hold of after all the hardships that they went through. Not one of them had been able to stave off the mentally debilitating fear that was instilled everyday. They lost this piece of themselves because they didn't have someone to help keep them from going over the edge. No one was strong enough to do that before Drew and that would be their downfall.

No one knew the type of relationship that me and Drew had. They didn't realise that we actually cared for each other and would put our lives on the line for the other.

This gave us a massive advantage in surprise. Not only did they have to deal with two people who they trained, who were able to take down their best fighter and one of their secret weapons, they wouldn't count on us working together to do this.

The training made sure of that.

"Hell yeah!" Drew said, her face no longer scrunched up. "If it's us, we've got this."

Yeah, we did have this. Thinking it through logically always brought me to the same conclusion - we had an advantage over the academy.

After being able to fend off their first attack in such a dominating manor we now had the advantage.

They had lost their Intel and we still had the element of surprise.

Whatever we did first would be a success, it's what comes after that would decide the rest of the battle.

We were only two people and they had an army specially trained for fighting. It wouldn't be easy. Either one of us could die at any time because of a minor slip up. They could predict what we were planning, however unlikely it was, because sometimes these things happen.

However, I did know one thing.

We were going to try everything. We weren't going to give up and we would never stop fighting no matter how much we wanted to or how much we lost.

We would complete this mission no matter what and not let anyone get in our way.

We would take down the academy, and stop them commiting all of the heinous acts that they continually perpetrate.

We would either stop the academy or die trying.

Either way, we wouldn't let any of them escape without being punished, and for that, we needed people who would carry on our task even if we died. People who held the same belief about the academy as us. People who would fight for our cause until the end, or, in other words, New Recruits which was going to be very hard.

But, well, you know how the saying goes, "Out of the frying pan and into the fire."

To be Continued...


Thanks for reading my story and I hope you enjoyed it!

Second book is currently being written and is set to be released on Monday the 09/03/20.

Hope to see you there reading it!

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