Chapter 21

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Katie's - POV

After the first guard, the others were a lot easier.

The joy I felt quickly grew.

I was having a tonne of fun killing all these lowlifes and watching the life drain from their eyes as they looked at me, wondering why I did it.

They should already know they were  responsible for his death. All of them had paid for it with their lives so that they can no longer inflict pain upon anyone ever again.

There were quite a few guards leading up to my targets room but the numbers quickly grew as I reached the door to the bedroom.

It was time. This had to be done quietly but I didn't want to waste too much time either so I had to go as quickly as possible.

Springing out from behind my hiding spot I savagely sliced the first guards throat, quickly turning to the side to slash at the other guard before he had a chance to react.

Slashing and stabbing were the only things on my mind as I decimated every human in my path. My half rage half adrenaline state made the job much easier and I was much more efficient. With all the screaming and shouting that was going on I was very happy that every room in the house was sound proofed.

By the time I was finished I was covered in blood, my disguise no longer a factor. Breathing heavily, I looked all around me, taking in all the bodies strewn across the floor. Looking at them all lying there made me feel a sense of pride at how good I had become. I had progressed further that I had even thought I would and I was extremely happy and excited that I was able to do this.

I finally caught my breath and walked towards the room door, making sure to keep an eye out so that no one could potentially ruin the mission when I was this close.

Subtlety wasn't something that I wanted anymore so I barged into the room loudly and saw a man in a white shirt and black trousers standing in the room with his back to me.

"I told you not to come in here and disturb me," He said angrily "So why are yo-"

His words fizzled out as he turned around and saw me covered in blood with a knife in my hand. I probably looked crazy right about now but that would only help here.

"Guards!" He yelled out, slightly moving back from me.

"No one can save you." I coldly said, walking up to his frozen frame and plunging the dagger right into his heart.

By the time he realised what had happened it was too late. He started coughing up blood and tried to remove the dagger from inside of him but I drove it deeper, twisting and turning it, making him gurgle.

"Die." I said, finally yanking the weapon out of him. I watched as he fell to the ground, unmoving, with glassy eyes.

He wasn't breathing anymore. He would never have anyone hurt again. He would never do anything again. Ever.

Finally relief flooded through me as I re-sheathed my daggers and turned around to leave this place.

I ran out, down the hallway, down the stairs and out the front door, making sure to utilise the cloth I had picked up before leaving to cover my face from any potential camera's.

I jumped over the gate and started running down the road into the dark, picking up on sirens in the distance.

The woman I stole these clothes from must've woken up and called the police. Because she works for a person who is obviously rich it's no surprise that the police would want to respond as quickly as possible.

But, when they arrived I wouldn't be there. There would also be no trace of me as the house had no camera's inside, I didn't use my own clothes and I made sure to make it look more like a coordinated robbery gone wrong, instead of a planned murder.

I melted into darkness. The shadows kept me from being seen and I disappeared into the night, arriving at the safe house without anybody spotting me at all.

As soon as I got back I called Drew on the secure line just to be safe.

"I did it," I said after she picked up. "On the first night too."

"Really?" She sounded genuinely surprised. "I didn't think that you were going to want to finish it that night after what happened."

Maybe before, but now I was a different person and my responses to different situations weren't the same as they used to be. I'd now much rather get revenge than not do anything and avoid all conflict like I used to hope for.

"Yeah." I said. "It felt really good after what they did to Hugh."

"So, we can get a flight back for you tomorrow as they hadn't planned on you getting the job done this quickly so I'll have to set things up for early tomorrow." The sound of a mechanical keyboard in the background meant that she was already working on it as we spoke.

"Okay, I'll call you back if anything goes wrong from now until tomorrow." I said.

"Make sure you do." Drew replied sternly. "I  don't want anything to go wrong after so much has gone right."

"Bye Drew." I said smiling lightly.

"Bye." She said, sounding distracted with sorting out my plans for tomorrow on her computer.

Well then. I had to wait until tomorrow to do anything else. All I could do right now was make sure nothing suspicious was going on outside and no one found out I was here, which shouldn't be a problem considering I made sure I was never seen by anyone. That I was sure of.

Tomorrow I'd be back and training for the next mission. Hopefully, I would have Drew there as well. She wanted to come last time but rules are rules and at the academy you cannot afford to break any rules.

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