Chapter 12

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Katie's - POV

My broken bones had been healing very well over the past few weeks, although I couldn't tell exactly how many had pasted.

Drew came into my room sometimes and we talked but everytime I brought up anything to do with me being kidnapped she seemed to shut down. After a while I stopped asking her those questions and instead, I talked to her like a normal person.

"Really? You can do 50 pull ups?" I scoffed in disbelief.

"Of course." She said. "All of us can."

I stayed clear of asking any questions about who 'all' of us were but it didn't stop my mind racing through possibilities.

Our conversation was interrupted by a man who slammed the door open and shouted something at Drew in another language.

Her answer seemed to anger him more as he started to turn red before gesturing out the room and then leaving. Not shutting the door.

"I have to go." She said in a cold, tired tone. "I'll see you tomorrow."

"Wait!" I said, making her pause. "Who was that?"

"Leave it alone Katie." She said, her voice all of a sudden taking on a tired characteristic before she slipped out the door, leaving me to my own thoughts.

I was now always conscious of my surroundings. Them torturing me over the course of those weeks made me aware of all my surroundings and more alert to any sort of threats.

So when I had quiet weeks like the past few, I got more and more nervous that someone would hurt me again.  They hadn't done anything for a while but my anxiety wasn't going anywhere.

While kidnapped here, I remembered some of the things I had read online about what to do in a situation like this. The top one was always stay calm and analyse the situation. Look for details that can help later on and make sure to always stay alert to any potential danger, which was what I was doing and, I think, doing well.

Even though I was calm and collected on the outside, inside I was freaking out and lately I had been having trouble controlling it.

I'd been fucking kidnapped and tourtured by some people who wanted to recruit me into their organisation full of assassins?

This was like something in a story book.

"Hello again." The woman said, walking through the door. "I see you're recovering well."

She indicated my arms in much less restrictive positions.

It was the woman who explained what the organisation was about and what they wanted with me.

I wasn't sure if I was actually afraid of her but my heart didn't care as it was beating so loudly I was worried she would be able to hear it.

"I'm Dr. Rodriguez and I'm here to do a psychological evaluation on you to make sure everything we observed was correct." She said in a matter of fact tone. "Make sure to answer correctly otherwise you'll face the consequences of your actions."

If I wasn't scared before I was now.

"How are you feeling about getting..." she paused, seemingly looking for the right word. "Taken." She finished.

She said I had to be truthful, and I didn't want to face the consequences of not doing what I was told, so I followed her orders.

"I'm scared, annoyed and anxious. I don't want to be here and just want to go home." By the end I was pleading.

She wrote something down, ignoring my last sentence.

"How are you getting along with Drew so far." She said, staring me straight in the eye.

The cold and calculated look in her eyes frightened me and actually helped me regain my composure.

"Drew has helped me a lot with recovering," I said, not wanting to get Drew in trouble by over sharing. "I feel a lot better every time she's with me."

She looked content with my answer and I sighed in relief. At least this looked like it was going well.

"How would you feel about us sending someone to kill all your family and friends?"


Why the hell was she asking this question?

Were they going to do it if I didn't give the right response? Or had they already done it and wanted to know me reaction to it.

Before I could even answer I heard her speak.

"That's what we were looking for." she said, writing something down.

"What do you mean?" I asked, having found the courage to speak in a semi-normal tone.

"I was wondering if you were going to lie to us. By the end of the program you won't care about any of your family or friends, but right now, unfortunately, you do and your face showed panic which is a valid response in this moment." She explained, giving me a cruel smile.

I took in the words she said and felt a massive sense of relief. My family weren't dead and no one was looking to kill them if I cooperated.

She asked a few more questions that, by analysing them properly, I inferred that they were to do with my mental health and if I was going to have any side effects from the "incidents" from before.

I answered accordingly but also embellished the truth a little as I knew she would know if I was lying. I knew the consequences of doing nothing so I could not imagine what they'd do if I actually did something that they didn't like.

"That's all Ms.Bloom. Thank you for cooperating." She said, a tight smile on her face, before turning around and exiting the room. Her heels clicked down the corridor and faded away from me.

I felt muscles that I didn't know I was clenching release as she got further and further away, until I couldn't hear her anymore.

Everything around here was dangerous and no matter what, I was not letting my guard down. I couldn't let them break me. I needed to get back to the people I loved and stop whatever this 'organisation' was from hurting anyone I knew.

I probably wouldn't be able to make a difference but as long as I kept my family safe I didn't care what happened to me.

I felt rejuvenated, which was a complete change from the last few weeks where I didn't really care if I lived or died.

I would do whatever it took to take down all these people running the organisation or I would die trying.

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