Chapter 26

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Katie's - POV

We arrived at the house and once the driver was long gone the first thing we did was leave our bags and go into town to scout out the immediate area. This was a little place in Paris off the north coast. It was the closest we could get to going back to where I lived without actually landing in England.

The city of Calais.

Before we had come here we had researched the closest point where boats came and went to the UK. Luckily enough, there was a ferry that ran from Calais to England that was only a mile or two away from homebase. This would make travelling to and fro much easier than we first thought.

Things so far were going well, but if the next part of the plan didn't go exactly how we wanted it to then nothing else we would do afterwards would be of any use.

"Looks like everything is the same as we saw it on the map." Drew said, as we walked along.

"Luckily," I said. "It would've been a pain if it was all different."

"I'm just glad that this means we can leave at the earliest possible moment."

"Me too." I smiled over at Drew as we continued deeper into the town.

There were a lot of narrow roads all around which would really help at night time as we would be very hard to spot.

Unfortunately, something we had seen earlier was correct. The area around the dock was cordoned off with wired fencing. To add to that, it was an open space, an open area where we would easily be spotted if we weren't careful.

"Damn," I said, "This adds a bit more preparation work for us."

"I wouldn't want it to be too easy," Drew said, smiling over at me. "Otherwise you would know for sure that something was going to go wrong."

"Fair enough." I said while laughing.

Now that we had done our main exploration of the area, we needed to go back and get everything ready. Something to act as a cushion for the spiky wire at the top of the fence was needed. We already had dark clothes for the mission and we needed to wait at least one night to scout the area in darkness as well, to observe how many people would be around or if it would be empty.

Once all that was done and if everything looked fine, only then would we be able to leave on one of the ferries.

When we got back and because we had time to kill, Drew suggested going out and trying some of the food. I hadn't had anything other than the food they served at the Academy but it had got worse and worse since I arrived there. Probably a side affect of them redesigning it to still carry the nutrients needed but exclude any of the other unnecessary parts.

Strolling around the area we decided on a restaurant called Le Grand Bleu. It seemed to have nice looking food and I was hungry so I didn't have any objections.

When we arrived there we got seated and ordered.

We hadn't been sitting there for long when I saw two people walk in, the uniforms they were wearing indicating that they worked on the docks. I glanced at Drew, noticing that she had seen them as well.

It was our lucky day because when they were seated, which happened to be near us, they started talking about their job and some of the information that we needed.

They mentioned how quiet it usually was, especially at night and when the ferries would leave.

Not thinking anyone would be listening to them or trying to sneak onto one of the ferries, they also mentioned one of the entrances that staff entered from. They were happy that no one checked it because it allowed them to sneak out when they were supposed to be working.

Our luck was amazing.

We had impulsively gone to this restaurant at a weird time not expecting anything to happen and ended up encountering two people who worked at the place we were trying to sneak into. They had talked completely openly about their jobs the whole time.

We finished eating because the food was good but left quickly afterwards to prepare for the inevitable escape attempt later today. Our plans had changed but our goal remained the same as it always was.


Before we knew it, it was dark. We had everything we would need and so we quickly left the house, going in the direction of the entrance we had scouted out earlier.

After sneaking through the town - we didn't want to draw any attention to ourselves as outsiders - we came to the barbed wire fence which was quickly covered and climbed over.

We didn't see many people around but we still had to be careful, otherwise we would definitely be caught.

While sneaking through the dark I suddenly heared footsteps close by, causing me to duck behind a crate.

The person was very close and kept getting closer. I really hoped that they weren't going to get any nearer but regrettably he did. He saw me.

Quick as a flash I drew my dagger, slashing at his throat before he could yell. He stumbled a bit before collapsing, me catching him in my arms.

Drew, who had been too far away to help with this, came over to me and helped push the body off the side of the dock into the water, washing away any evidence that we had been here.

Surprisingly, I didn't feel anything after that kill. I didn't feel panicked  that I had done something wrong. In fact it felt like I had just completed an every day task.

Once we got through that ordeal the rest of the trip was uneventful and we got onto the boat without any more casualties. We decided to enter a small closet that was tucked away behind everything and stay there for the night so that we had the smallest chance possible of being spotted.

The jet lag, combined with the fact that it was late suddenly hit me and I felt quite tired.

"I'll take the first watch and wake you up in four hours." Drew said, setting up by the door.

"Thank you." I said, lying down on the cold hard floor.

It wasn't pretty but beggars couldn't be choosers and soon I was dozing off into the depths of sleep.

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