Chapter 7

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Katie's - POV

"What the hell!" I shrieked, jumping up and off the bed and falling to the ground. The splitting headache only registered after I had hit the ground.

"Just five more minutes," I heard the person, a girl, in the bed mumble before jumping up and staring at me with wide eyes. "Oh, it's just you."

It was Blake's, sister?

Why was I in her bed and how did I get here?

I couldn't remember for the life of me so I decided to ask.

"How the hell did I get here?"

She laughed out loud, "I'm not surprised you don't remember. You were completely trashed last night."

As she said that I started to remember. The hypnotic music, the dancing, the drinking.

"Why did I drink that much?"I groaned and put my hands over my face. "I'm never drinking again."

"That's what they all say." She said with a small chuckle whilst getting up.

"Go get changed and have a shower. You definitely need one right about now." she said, her nose wrinkling before going through her drawer and pulling out some clothes which she threw to me.

I caught them before going to the bathroom and taking a cold shower. I never dealt with hot water very well.

I was putting on the white top and black trousers that Blake's sister gave me when I realised I didn't even know her name.

As I stepped out I saw her putting on her uniform for work.

"Hey, I've actually never caught your name."

"Oh, it's Matilda." She said. "I'm driving to work now, I can drop you on the way there if you want?"

"Thanks, that would be great." I said with a grimace, as my head was still killing me. "Do you have any Ibuprofen? My head feels like it's been kicked in."

"Sure, downstairs in the kitchen. The cupboard above the cooker."

"Thanks," I said, rushing off to quickly get it while also making sure not to jog my head too much. "I appreciate it."

I walked to one end of the hall only to realise that the stairs were at the other end. I definitely should've asked how the hell to even get there as navigation was not my thing.

I reached the the kitchen and opened up the cupboard door Matilda had indicated and reached up for the medics box, but my clumsy ass dropped the thing all over the floor.

"God damnit me." I said under my breath, squatting down to collect all the different kinds of medication.

I saw another hand reach out and grab the ibuprofen off the floor and hand it to me.

It was Blake, who I had forgotten, brought me to his house and stopped me getting in trouble. Either with the stampede, or the police.

Just as I was about to say something he walked over to the other side of the kitchen, opened another cabinet and pulled some cereal out.

"Hey," I said, quietly. "Thanks for helping me last night."

"I can never resist helping a girl in trouble," He said in a sarcastic tone. "This is my average Saturday; taking drunk girls home and putting them in my sister's room."

I laughed under my breath before standing up and putting the box with all of its contents back up in the cupboard.

When I turned around Blake was there with his hand out, a bowl of cereal in it.

I hadn't expected this. I was going to go without anything to eat before Matilda drove me back.

"Oh," I said, slightly shocked that he'd actually thought of me. "Thank you."

Taking the bowl from him I smiled up at him just as our eyes met. He had a gentle look on his face that made my body feel warm.


I didn't know that I could have a reaction like that! It had never happened before, but I guess since I was a socially awkward person to strangers it wasn't much of a surprise that I hadn't talked to many boys.

I'd always wanted to have a nice boyfriend and I had met a guy who Jessica set me up on a date with that was interested in me and was exactly my type but I'd been so  nervous that I ended up throwing up in his car... which is usually a mood killer. Unless you're into that. Ew.

I don't know why I felt less nervous around Blake but he made me like myself and I definately felt more comfortable.

I didn't feel like I had to impress him in anyway and that made him special. There was also his good looks and great personality but those were minor parts of his person, obviously.

I had been focused on my food and wasn't really paying attention, so I was surprised to see that when I looked up, Blake was starring at me.

I swallowed my food before speaking.

"I wanted to say thanks," I said nervously, looking down. "I owe you one."

"No." He said, strongly, making me look up. "You don't owe me anything. I did what anyone would do for their friends."

I felt my heart warm at his kind message as I smiled at him, before digging into my food again.

What? I was hungry!

"Well, mostly anyone anyway." He said, quietly.

Startled, I looked up. I thought we had finished our conversation but I guess not.

"What do you mean?" I asked, curiously.

"Don't drink that much again. I'm not going to be there every time to help you."

I felt like there was something else behind his words. Like he had experienced something bad to do with drinking before, or knew someone who had.

"Promise you won't do it again without having someone to look out for you."

I could do that.

"I promise."

"It's time to go!" Matilda said, running down the stairs to the front door and interrupting our conversation. I glanced at Blake and saw his head was down and he was focused on his phone.

I got up and started to walk out before turning around and giving Blake a hug.

"Thanks again."

"Don't mention it." He said, smiling lightly.

I got into the passenger side of the car and Matilda started to drive off.

"So, why were you so drunk and why did Blake bring you back to our house?"

"I may have got wasted," I said, nervously playing with my fingers. "And had no one there to look out for me."

"Well I'm glad Blake was there. Otherwise something could've happened to you."

She had stopped at a red light and was staring over at me. As I looked at her a weird feeling came over me and I quickly turned away, sunk further into my seat and ignored the mysterious feeling that I felt when I looked into her eyes.

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