Chapter 1

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Katie's - POV

"Katie," I heard my mum yell from downstairs, "It's time to get up. You don't want to be late for school!"

"I'll be down in a minute!" I shouted back, sleepily. Checking my alarm it read Seven o'clock in the morning.


I was going to be late.

I got up and started rushing around; having a shower, brushing my teeth, and then getting dressed.

When I finally got downstairs my breakfast was already on the table. Pancakes and bacon. One of my favourite meals. As I devoured my food I thanked my mom through a mouthful.

"You're welcome sweetie," she replied, smiling.

My mum has always been one of my best friends. I have other friends and some have been there for me like my mom has but she's my role model, the person I aspire to be. Through everything. I try to do the same thing for her, even though she says it's not necessary.

"Thank you, honey, but it's enough just having you here." She always said.

I can tell how much she appreciated it though.

I finished my food and then got up to hug her.

"Thanks for the food mum," I said, "It was really nice."

"You're welcome. Now don't forget to take all your books." She said, with one eyebrow raised. "And don't go on your phone during class otherwise I'll have to take it away.

I sheepishly smiled, scratching the back of my neck and replied. "Yes, mum."

We heard a car horn outside our house. That must be Jessica.

"Enjoy your first day back!"

"Bye mum!" I shouted as I ran out the door.

I ran outside and saw Jessica's car parked in front of me.

Jessica loved her cute little ruby red Honda S2000. It was her prized possession and she even gave it the name James. She said that she called it James because that is the name of her spirit animal. The girl is so weird.

Jessica and I have been friends for 10 years. She is a tall blonde who usually wears her hair up, accentuating her slim face. We went to the same school when we were younger and she once knocked me over, spilling my food everywhere, but she was nice to me and helped me pick it back up; even offering to share hers with me.

"Hey Kate," Jessica said, "Long time no see."

"It's been three days," I replied with a small chuckle.

"I know, but it feels like a long time." She said with a pout, slapping me lightly on the shoulder.

We talked on the way to school, her complaining about her mum, and how strict she had been lately.

"She's even getting me to do extra homework," Jessica muttered, grimacing. "All because I got a C."

"It can't be that bad.  I'm sure your mum only wants to help," I mentioned, trying not to laugh at her face.

"Yeah," Jessica groans, "I'm sure she does. But that doesn't mean it is fun."

We arrived at school fifteen minutes later and saw our other friends waiting for us at the entrance.

We both met Jill and Hugh two years ago.

Jill was an energetic person, always moving around or talking. She doesn't see it, but she is beautiful and has a ton of guys drooling over her. With her perfect hair, shiny brunette curls rolling down her back she is a bombshell. While her personality annoyed some people, I didn't mind because I struggled to start conversations with people, so it is nice to have a friend like her around. Especially considering how her personality seemed to rub off onto the people around her.

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