Chapter 2

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Katie's - POV

I was so glad that it was finally the weekend. Me, Jill, Hugh, and Jessica had plans for today; we're going to the beach party.

I couldn't decide what to wear, so I called Jessica to help me find something nice. We ended up finding something quickly and so decided to spend the rest of our time hanging out watching The Flash.

"I can't believe Barry is actually going to go to prison," Jessica exclaimed, "Do you think he'll be there for the rest of the season?"

"Of course not," I scoffed, "It is called 'The Flash' so they have to have him in it."

"You're right, I don't know what I was thinking," Jessica said, and slapped her forehead

"Well, anyways. It's time to go now, otherwise, we'll be late," I said, pulling Jessica up, "Let's go."

We arrived at the party, picking up Jill and Hugh along the way.

"Wow!" I exclaimed, there are so many people here."

There were at least two hundred people all crowded onto the beach: some from our school and some looking like they're college age. Music boomed from the speakers that were placed a fair distance away from the fire, giving people enough room to dance; or get their eardrums severely damaged.

"This is the biggest party I've been to in a long time," Said Jill, "I only recognise about half of them."

My eyes widened as I surveyed the surroundings. Scanning through the sea of people my eyes landed on someone that I recognised - Blake standing among a group of people. The people with him seemed too superficially friendly, especially one of the girls from school who had her arms clutched around him and was cooing at him. I kind of felt sorry for him until my brain actually registered the feeling of pity as I remembered how much of a douche he could be and all sympathy left me.

"I'm going to go get us drinks," Said Hugh, "I'll be back in a minute."

"I'll come with you," Jill said, "It'll  be quicker."

"Alright, let's go," Hugh replied.

While Hugh and Jill walked off towards the bar I and Jessica talked about what all of us were going to do when they came back. In the end, we decided to just go with the flow for a few hours and then make our way back to our houses.

"Hey, we're back," Hugh said, handing us our drinks. "So, what are we doing?"

"Let's dance first," Jessica said. "then we'll see."

"Sounds good.  Let's go." Jill said

We danced for around half an hour before I saw Blake out of the corner of my eye. He was eyeing me, unnerving me.

I turned towards him and frowned. He just smirked back and walked off into the crowd. I shook my head and carried on having a good time.

"So, want to go home yet?" Jessica asked, pulling me to the side.

"I'll get one more drink and then we will go." I said, "You want anything?"

"No thanks," Jessica said, " I'll stay here. Meet me after."

I walked off towards the makeshift bar and ordered a drink.  I was walking back sipping my drink when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I whipped around, only to see Blake.

"Hey." He said

"What do you want?" I calmly state. Although on the inside I'm quite annoyed that I've been interrupted.

"I want to know if you want to chill out with me?"

"No, why would I want that?" I said, storming off.

Why was I angry with him?

I must have had one too many drinks because nothing I was doing was making sense anymore. Even to myself.

I would apologise for tomorrow.

I walked back to my friends and reminded them that we had to leave. We dropped Hugh off first and then Jill, leaving me as the last one for Jessica to drop off.

"I'll see you tomorrow.  See you girl!" Jessica hugged me.

"See you tomorrow," I replied.

I walked into my house and saw my mum sat at the table, waiting up for me.

"Hey mum," I walked over to her, "What are you doing up?"

"Oh hey honey, I was just waiting up for you."

"You don't have to do that mum," I said, yawning.

"I know I don't, but I want to." She said with a smile.

"Goodnight mum," I reply, giving her a hug.

"Sleep well, sweetie." She answered.

I walked upstairs slowly, making sure I didn't fall over as I was tipsy and really tired.

When I reached my room I unlocked the door and stepped inside. I went through the motions of getting ready for bed, had a thrower, and then put on my pajamas. I of course did not forget to brush my teeth. I went to put my clothes away only to hear the slight noise of paper being scrunched. I felt around in the pocket for a moment before withdrawing my hand that held a piece of paper that read:

I want to get to know you better

- B

Who the hell was 'B'?

I didn't know and right then, I was frankly too tired to figure it out. I finished getting ready and jumped into bed, relaxing and closing my eyes. Quickly falling asleep, I dreamed of a mysterious boy with blue eyes.

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