Let's make it 51 lies

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  The kids waited patiently for their fathers response.

"I meaan"

"Alfred Freedom jones we found him on our step, he'll there are only 50 states and we already have all flipping fifty!" Mateo scoffed

"Weelll, you're not a state. Maybe he's a territory, like you" Alfred exclaimed

Mateo looked at the small bundle again, contemplating if this really was a good idea. While he was thinking he felt a small bit of pressure on his hand, when he looked down he saw that the baby had wrapped his hand around mateo's thumb.

Mateo's eyes lit up and Alfred saw this.

"Sorry guys, looks like papa's got a new favorite " Alfred joked as Mateo gawked at the baby.

The kids who were still all looking at their parents were silent...this never happeneds....ever



"Yes" Mateo said louder, still looking at the baby

"Yes what?"Alfred asked

"We're keeping him " Mateo assured

All the state's rejoiced in their own way. Mostly just running around like chickens with their heads cut off.

-Major time skip-
"Drake, c'mon we're gonna be late if we don't hurry up!" A 15 year old Lilo yelled

"I'm comin, I'm comin!"   Drake yelled back

He grabbed his black slacks with his black dress shoes, his top was a salmon color button up. He tried helplessly to tie his black tie but he failed miserably. Before he left he grabbed his name tag -Dominican republic-

He rushed down the stairs stumbling over his feet a tad on the way down.

He ran through the house making it outside.

"You look like a mess da?" Drake looked up to see Nickoleh

Nickoleh was 5'11 and he had become a dapper man. Slim, muscular, and quite a bit more confident

"Let me get that" Nickoleh chuckled and proceeded to tie drakes tie.

"Thanks big bro!" Drake smiled and skipped over to the bus waiting to take them to the capital.

-another time skip brought to you by mateos Gray hairs-

The bus arrived in D.C, right in front of the Washington monument

Along with most of the state's who were driving by now

The state's (and territory) were corralled into a section of seating facing the monument, there was a large platform that at the moment was empty.

There were lots of other people there, other territory's, micronations, also the 13 provinces.

As drake looked around he smiled. Everyone was so happy it seemed

"Hello?, Hello everyone" a man boomed on the microphone, a large smile plastered on his face

"I am so glad you are all here today to mark this occasion, one that I'm sure will be the biggest history maker ever seen" he continued to smile happily as he talked

"We are all here to mark a new era, one were all nations world wide will sign a document, declaring world wide peace" the man on the Mic seemed to be tearing up, Drake was on the edge of his seat excitedly waiting

"Now I need not continue my little shpeel any longer" the man joked, as he said that all the nation's of the world stepped onto the stage, they were all wearing some shade of blue.

A short woman walked up onto the stage carrying a paper that was framed but missing the glass, she was also carrying a fountain pen, this shit was serious.

She made her way to the first country, whom was Austria, he smiled and gratiously took the pen and sighed his country down onto it, she continues down the line till she reached the end where america/ Alfred was standing.

He grabbed the pen and smiled, a really really happy smile and sighed the paper. This marked world wide peace, for once and for all.

Everyone cheered and rejoiced, some were crying, some were drinking

Drake was yelling until he felt himself being lifted into the air. He looked down to see Mateo, he was now placed onto mateos shoulders.

"Papa! We did it" drake yelled like the happy 11yr old he was

"Ya, ya we did!" Mateo smiled

"Hey guys" Alfred walked up to Mateo  and Drake

"Hi daddy!"

"Hey sweetheart " Mateo and drake replied

"I can't believe we actually did it" Alfred smiled, tears building up

"Ya, neither can i" Mateo said, still carrying drake around

"Well, how about I take you, Lilo and Nickoleh out for ice cream and we come back for the party!" Alfred hoped at drake

"Yes!" Drake smiled

"Ok, then" Alfred smiled

Everyone was happy, truely happy

Everyone was united

Alfreds 51 little white lies were growing up together, united as the United states

Thank you for reading my book, I really had a lot of fun writing it and I hope you had fun reading it, sincerly your Author

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