Lunchtime catastrophe

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The small group of three were booking it back to the meeting hall, scared of what has ensuded Wiley they were away.

Alfred and Mateo were panting and slightly sweating, by time they reached the front door of the meeting hall. Oliver on the other hand was sitting upon Mateos shoulders slightly shocked by the sudden outburst of running that had taken place.

Alfred has regained his breath, and pushed open the double doors to the meeting hall, holding it open for Mateo to walk through with Oliver.

When they entered the building the receptionist looked up at them and greeted them.

Alfred nodded and pulled out his key card.

The receptionist smiled and unlocked the door on the furthest wall with a button under her desk.

The two men thanked her and continued their walk to the lunch room.

They were walking like mad men through the long halls, when they arrived at the door they could clearly hear yelling and shouting inside.

Alfred sighed and leanded his head to the side, popping it getting prepared for the catastrophe inside.

Mateo and Alfred made eye con6abd both nodded in unison, Alfred then pushed one of the large pairs of double doors open to reveal the chaos.

States were everywhere, some sitting at the tables like normal people would, but some were under tables, attacking countries, fighting with food, hell some were even climbing the rock wall.

The countries looked tired, looking after the states must of been hard, Felisco was trying to stop the food fight (while also crying because it was pasta)

Ludwig was yelling loudly at the states that were climbing to come down, Kiku was beside him incase one of them were to fall.

Wang was trying along with Fransis to pry York (New York) off of Arthur.

Ivan was trying to convince some of the states to come out from under the table.

Matthew was sitting with some of the states, keeping them occupied with food and coloring books that were left in the states meeting room.

Alfred, Mateo, and Oliver walked into the room
"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOUR ALL DOING?" Alfred yelled at the occupants of the room

The look of relief on the countries faces was priceless, except Matthew, him having Thirteen rambunctious children of his own.

The states that were climbing immediately all jumped down, giving Ludwing and Kiku each a heart attack

Felisco smiled as the rapid fire of pasta and eggs had ceased.

Ivan was finally able to pull about twelve states out from under the tables.

York had let go of Arthur and scoffed

Arthur was finally able to catch his breath

Fransis hair was disheveled, wang sighed and kneeled down muttering "I'm too old for this"

"Sit down, all of you NOW!" Alfred yelled.

Alfred's behavior shocked the countries, he was not usually so angry.

Mateo walked in behind Alfred, he put down Oliver but held his arm while walking to a nearby table, just to make sure he didnt fall.

The rest of the states all quickly sat down at the tables silently

The countries were slightly confused on how they followed exactly what their father siad.

The room was silent.

Alfred sighed, and walked towards Lilo and Nickoleh

They seemed quite shooken up by all the chaos.

He grabbed one in each arm and pulled them up to his chest and sat down, they both cuddled up to their father and calmed down.

A couple of states and a few countries stood up and proceded to get their plates of food.

The room then was filled with quiet chatter to replace the silence

Mateo walked up to the table to make a plate for oliver

Ludwig walked up to alfred, his boots making slight clicking noises.

He grabbed a stool and pulled it to sit facing Alfred.

"Hello Amerika" Ludwig barked

"Hi germany?" Alfred questioned

"I need to ask you a very important quvestion" Ludwig siad in a deep tone

"Yeah what's up bud?" Alfred questioned while bouncing his two youngest on his lap

"Vats it like to be a parent?, iz it good,? Do you suggezt it?, is it eazy?" Lydwig bombarded Alfred with questions

"Oh Jease bud ok, well it's the best thing that ever happened to me, it's great, depends on what you mean and its definitely not easy" Alfred awnser his questions while smiling at the two beautiful baby's asleep in his lap.

"Itz juzt zat, me and Fili have been togezer for a vile and I know he vants kidz, I'm juzt not sure" Lydwig admitted  shyly.

"Awe bud, I think you and italy would be great parents, but that's only if your ready, I mean you dont want to bring a child into the world and not be ready" Alfred stated in a surprisingly mature manner.

"...Zank you Amerika" Lydwing slightly smiled

"No problem germany, and just call me Alfred!" Alfred exclaimed quietly to not wake up his children

"Arite Alfred, zen you can juzt call me Ludwig " Ludwig siad before walking over to Felisco

Alfred sighed leaning back agaisnt the head rest of the stool, he looked around at all his inherited children smiling. Its been hard... raisning Fifty children but he wouldn't change it for the world. They were the lights of his life, luckily hes had Mateo help a bit,they had dated for about 7 years before their engagement.

Alfred was so caught up in thought he was spooked when a plate was placed infront of him, by a russian that had sat down next to him.

"Hello Fredka" Ivan said smiling

"Ivan, stop with the nicknames were not kids anymore" Alfres snapped at Ivan

"...Fredka what happened to us?" Ivan questioned sadly looking down

"What happened was you became a sadistic sociopath and physically attacked me " Alfred seethed through his teeth, while still holding Lilo and Nickoleh.

"Fredka please I-"

"You what?"

Ivan was interrupted

Ivan turned around to be met with a pissed of Purterican standing behind hom.

Ivan's dark aura surrounded him as he slightly growled

"It may be on your best interest Russia if you leave MY fiance alone" Mateo threatened, not happy with russia

"What are you going to do about it little territory?" Ivan smirked evily

Alfred pushed his stool back and held his children tighter to his chest.

"Oh it's on commie!"

(No offence to any Russians or Purtericans, it's just for the sake of the story not my own personal opinion! ♡♡)

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