Fighting for love

825 19 13

*warning* fighting and blood, also sorry for the spam chapters

Ivan stood up and rolled his shoulder back, balling his hands into fists and spreading his legs out.

Mateo thruster forward grabbing the Russians neck with as much force as he could.

Ivan then raised his arms and elbowed both of mateos hands of his neck.

Ivan then took a half step back and round house kicked mateo in the gut.

Mateo grunted but grabbed Ivan's leg and pulled him forward towards him, right hooking him in the jaw.

Ivan made a huffing sound and grabbed the back of mateos neck pulling his head down to his knee with force.

Mateo could feel the blood running out of his nose but that didn't stop him, he wrapped his arms around Ivan's knee and pulled forward and down, bringing them both to the ground. Making the stool that Ivan was previously sitting in gall down with a thud.

The two men had caught the attention of the room, everybody was too scared to try to pry them away from eachother.

Alfred had carried his two kids over to Matthew who wrapped his arms around alfred and the kids in a protective manner, Alfred was slightly shaking nervously not knowing what to do.

Ivan was getting ready to stand up but mateo came around and kicked the back of his knee making him fall again.

Mateo then crawled over and put Ivan in a head lock from behind

"I know what you did to my fiance you bastard, no wonder why nobody likes you you abusive jackass" Mateo siad with anger lacing his normally calm voice.

This put Ivan over the edge, he twisted his head to the side and dug his chin down on mateos arm, making him release him. He took no time side kicking Mateo away from him.

Ivan was about to go pounce at him but he was pulled back by a very strong grip, he looked behind him to see a very pissed of german

Mateo saw Ivan get pulled back by Ludwig, he then felt a gripping feeling on the back of his shirt, he looked back and saw Matthew looking at him in slight disappointment.

The two were then escorted to separate rooms to be delt with.

The room was then again filled with yells and chit chat about the scene that had played out.

Alfred placed his two toddlers down so he could deal with the situation.

The two both hugged their fathers legs then ran off to their other siblings

Alfred let out a weary sight and closed his eyes for a second to take it all in.

Arthur made his way through the crowd and walked up to Alfred

"You ok kiddo?" Arthur asked

"Yeah I'm fine bro, just kinda tired, tension has been in the air all day" he sighed

"I can tell" Atthur siad while placing his hand on Alfred's shoulder

"Its gonna be ok " he smiled patting Alfred's shoulder and walking away

Alfred smiled slightly then shook his head, he then started making his way in the direction in which Matthew took Mateo.

When Alfred reached the room he gripping the door nob and inhaled before opening it.

When Alfred opened the door, he saw Matthew cleaning up Mateos nose bleed.

"Hey baby♡" Mateo siad with a slight smile that was obviously pained.

"Hey" Alfred said as he walked over to the table mateo was sat on.

"Altight, this was all I could do, I'll leave you two too it" Mathew sighed and smiled before leaving the room
"Baby I'm so sorry" Mateo broke the silence

"Its ok, I get it" Alfred exhaled and leaned onto Mateos shoulder

Mateo smiled and leaned his head on Alfreds and grabbed his hand tightly

The two stayed like that until they both thought it was time to go back

" promise me you won't beat the shit out of Ivan again?"

"I'll try " Mateo joked

Alfred sighed "I still have to freaking eaaat i have like 15 minutes left " alfred whined

"Alfred....I've seen you scarf down three double quarter pounders at McDonald's in less than 3 minutes, I think your fine" Mateo slightly elbowed his fiance

They were about to re-enter the dining hall whe. Mateo stopped him for a second

"Alfred, if Ivan dose anything let me know"

"I know I know -"

"I'm being serious, Alfred I don't want you getting hurt please" mateo gripped Alfred's hand tighter

"Ok ok, I'll tell you" Alfred complied with Mateo

They then continued back into the dining hall, the amount of people had lessened, probably returning to their meeting rooms.

Alfred walked over to the tables of food and grabbed a plate putting Chicken, green beans, mac and cheese, and mashed potatoes.

Let's just say the plate if food didnt last long.

Alfred decided that it was time to return to the meeting room. He walked up to Mateo and placed a small peck on his cheek

Mateo smiled and returned the gesture.

Alfred then siad goodbye and walked back to the meeting room, the only people missing wer Ivan and Ludwig. He wasnt surprised giving what happened earlier.

He sat down in his designated chair, it looked like the janitors had come in while they were gone and cleaned up the drywall.

He exhaled as he sat down, wanting today to be over.

The door opened and the two missing nations filed in, Ludwig looking solem and Ivan looked Pissed.

He was looking around the room until his eyes found alfred. His gaze softened as he looked at Alfred and sat down.

"A-hem, ve should continue vere ve left off" Germany Barked at the nations.

Alfred sighed and put his head on the table.

He started dozing off--

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