unravelling truths

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  "Hey pops?" The youngest of the four squeaked out, sweat running down the side of his head

  "More of zes children,...great" Lydwig scoffed under his breath.

The four kids got up and awkwardly slid off the table, drywall dust covered them head too toe.

Alfred looked mildly infuriated, and slightly embarrassed about the whole situation.

The room was silent, still shocked by the way the whole day was going.

  "Well this is as best time as any to introduce em, these four lil bastards are Albert, Kenneth, Oak, and Tex". The boys all looked alot less welcoming than the others before them.

  The tallest, 'Tex' has his arms crossed and glared at the ground; The second tallest one 'Oak' , had his right hand on what seemed to be the holster for what seemed to be a, fryingpan?, The third tallest one 'Albert' had his hands on his hips looking pissed off; Finally the shortest 'Kenneth' had his hands in the pockets of his jeans, with his baseball cap lowered over his face.

Alfred sighed, annoyed but not as angry.

  "America-kun, why are all of your states here if you dont mind me asking?" Kiku asked the question that alot of people were also slightly questioning.

  "Well ya see, these lil bratts are having their own 'meeting' on the west wing, sadly it just happened to be the same date as ours was planned, and these four never miss the opportunity to cause trouble" Alfred siad with his eyes closed, whilst walking up to the four boys.

  He grabbed two of them by their wrists while, he had the other two wrapped in his elbows,

  "As Felisco siad, he would like to meet the states, you all can come meet em while I drop these bratts back off at their own meeting". Alfred stated walking out the door with his states.

  The whole room seemed to have a mutual agreement of going to meet Alfred's 50 children, state things. As they all stood up and followed Alfred up and out the door.

  "I never would have bloody believed this" Arthur stated to Francis

  "Me neither mon ami, It really hasn't settled in yet" Francis siad back, slightly sighing.

  Ivan walked beside Matthew, who no one really saw. Ivan didn't notice he was there and accidentally stepped on his foot.

  "I love-a children, germany do you-a think they'll like-a me?" Felisco asked.

  "Italy, we have more prezzing matters to vorry about, like ze fact zat zese children might be dangerous to our countriez!" Ludwig stated.

  Wang and kiku walked together muttering about the situation. Wang was quite impressed that Alfred could raise a child past infancy, kiki agreed completely.

  The crew arrived at a bid oak door, loud yelling from different people could be heard  from outside the door.

  "Here we go" Alfred siad letting the boys go and opening the door.

In two words you could describe the sight infront of them....utter madness.

Preteens,kids and toddlers ran around the room screeching.

Two kids were playing tennis over the enda of the conference table.

A small group had made a 'pirate ship' out of the chairs and were playing make believe.

One girl was sitting on top of the windowsill to get better lighting for a selfie.

The majority to the preteens were arguing loudly at the end of the table.

Two toddlers were sat in the corner quietly playing with block's, one of them being the young girl from earlier.

Alfred released his boys and the rest of the nation's filed in, bewildered by the sight infront of them.

All of a sudden, Alfred whistled extremely loudly with two of his fingers.

  The states all dropped what they were doing and stared like deer in the headlights at their father.

  "Attention, I would like you all to meet the nations, I'm not going to have you all introduce yourselves one by one you can do that on your own. Please be nice" Alfred said.

After their father stopped talking some of the states continued their own busines, but some approached the nations.

A slightly large group of 13 approached Arthur and Francis.

Kiku started talking to the girl who was previously taking selfies, which turned out to be Calidornia.

Wang ended up talking to the Carolina duo, who were two girls who fiscal appearance matched completely except they had different colored hair.

Matthew went and had a conversation with Montana, who looked like she was having a long day.

Felisco went and joined the kids who were playing pirate, who were Arkansas, Kansas,  Connecticut, Idaho, Indiana, Wyoming,  and Nevada. Ludwig stood my Felisco, watching the group play around.

Ivan stood alone until he saw where Alfred had wondered off too.

Alfred was sat on the ground with the two toddlers, Lilo and one he didn't know.

The toddler he didn't know had platinum blonde hair that covers one of his deep blue eyes, he had pale skin with pink cheekes and nose, he was wearing a navy blue sweater, a large tan scarf, black jeans, snow shoes, and what seemed to be a wold head hat. Needles to say, he looked quite bundled up.

Ivan approached the trio, being drawn to them.

Alfred was saying blocks with the two kids when he looked up.

  " what do you want" he spat coldly at Ivan.

"Nothing bad comrade, just wanted to meet this little one" he motioned at the small boy as he sta down beside them all.

Alfred pulled the small boy up on his lap in a protective manner and have Lilo the loom that meant he would like her to walk away for small bit.

Ivan was confused but stayed quiet.

"Russia, this is Alaska..." Alfred said weary of the response he was going to receive.

Ivan looked at the boy in the eyes and his heart melted.

"H-hi I'm alaska,... y-you can call me Nikolieh" the boy stuttered with a tick Russian accent.

Ivan was in shock, not only did this child have a Russian accent, but Alfred had giving him Russian name, this fact made Ivan smile.

"No need to be scared small one, I am Russia
You can call me Ivan" he stated warmly to the small boy.

The small boy smiled and hopped out of his father's lap, and waved goodbye to them to go join lilo.

"Fredka maybe we should tal-" AAHH" Ivan was cut off by Arthur yelling while being chased by 13 children.

"Maybe later van- I mean russia" alfred stuttered getting up and running over to Arthur

Before he could reach the group, they had gotten ahold of him and tied him up to a chair.

"Here we go"


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