"Oh, bullying? Or aggressive behaviour? Have you need keeping it a secret from other parents too?" Dr Carter demanded, "your reputation is so important you've lied to other parents,"

"No, Doctor, we do not keep anything from parents, that incident was the first of its kind." The Principal declared, "I am talking about testimonies from staff and teachers whom you daughter has harassed or bullied,"

More silence. Miss Crowley was such a little bitch if Melissa harassed or bullied her it was because she deserved it.

"Push it if you wish," the Principal said finally, "this is best for Melissa, I would recommend some counselling before you place her in her next school, we will provide glowing records, as I said her academic scores are at the highest level,"

Her mother stormed out of the classroom with a folder full of what looked like the contents of Melissa's pigeon-hole where she kept all of her books and papers.

She said nothing to her until they had marched from the school grounds and she was sitting with her head in her hands in the car.

"Stupid fucking school," her mother fumed, "this is the last thing I need right now,"

"Jessica Porter really was asking for it mummy, she was picking on the special ed kid in the playground at lunchtime," Melissa informed.

"Did you tell your teacher this?" Her mother asked without any mention that pushing the girl into the school pond was an extreme punishment.

Melissa nodded. "None of them like me. Miss Crowley has said nasty things about the Special Ed kids before, in front of the class and I've called her out. She was on duty in the playground when Jessica was picking on Ellen Campbell and didn't do anything to stop it."

Her mother considered this. "So you were standing up for student with a disability? How can they call that bullying?" She asked rhetorically.

Melissa shrugged. "Jessica Porter singles out Ellen Campbell all the time." She explained, "Ellen has Down syndrome, she'd really quiet and doesn't stand up for herself."

Which was why Melissa stepped in on her behalf.

Presented with the opportunity again? She wouldn't hesitate to act.

"Well this isn't over, they think they've seen the last of me, they're wrong," her mother pressed the ignition button in her BMW and it pitted to life.

"Are we going to Daniel's this afternoon?" She asked this almost every day, as almost everyday, they did.

"Yes darling, I'm sorry, I know you've had a bad day but Douglas is very unwell," her mother apologised as she watched for cars in the rearview mirror and backed out of her car park. "We're already so late, but I'm afraid we won't be needing to do it for much longer,"

'Good,' Melissa thought.

They called into the Hennessy's manor house on the way home as promised and as usual, they passed the gatehouse without being stopped. It was late autumn now and the days had grown cold. The grounds were brown and orange and yellow instead of green and the pond the driveway wrapped around was almost always filled with leaves.

When they arrived Daniel met them at the door of the steps. He was almost an adult now and had filled out nicely. Melissa might only be ten but she knew what handsome was and Daniel was handsome.

"Thank you, dear," her mother said as she moved by him into the house without really looking at him.

Melissa approached him, eyeing him cautiously. He eyed her back stiffly as he always did.

THREE IN THE BED (MxMxF - Book 4 of a Series)Where stories live. Discover now