Chapt 10•

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I've gotten case opened for the search of my dad . Yeah it was his decision to throw his life away , but I want to reach out to him . Maybe he's all clean and looking for me .

"Yes Ms.Pillow I will keep you updated on your case as frequently as possible"

"Thank you so much Ms. Chanel "

" Your welcome honey, have a blessed day"
you too "

he still and will always be my dad ; it would eat me alive if I don't do something to improve our relationship .
Yesterday's incident at the corner store made me cone to my senses that I need protection . I want a gun . I will be going to the shooting range later , now is time to go for a run . Gotta stay fit .
I open my closet and pull out my black running tights , pink jacket and matching shoes . Grabbed my phone, fitness drink and began my jog. It was a beautiful day outside , as usual in Miami . I begin doing my laps around the park's track taking my time .

"Ahhh" I said while catching my balance back . I look down and it was a toy car . I picked it up and looked around .

"Im sorry , my son always dropping his toys around somewhere" She spoke as I handed her the toy car and glanced in her arms as she straddled a baby .

"I'm Paris"

I stood in awhh " It's fine & I'm Aaleeyah "
She chuckled .

"How old the precious baby?" I asked being curious because by the look of it she look like the type not to have children .

"he's almost 2 months" She smiled and kissed the baby's forehead .

"A boy"

"ya, its funny because people think he's a girl because he has A LOT of hair "

"That's exactly why I thought it wAs a girl" I said laughing .
That happens all the time " She said smiling. "Wanna hold him?"

"Sure" I took him in my arms .He was so small and adorable .For a minute I was going to cry .

"His name is Tre'Shon Smith "

"Hello there Tre'Shon " i said like them mamas who love babies . He rapped his little fingers around my index finger . His eyes shot open , he had hazel eyes .
I glanced up at Paris . She doesn't have hazel eyes , I stared for a second then began comparing the then glanced down at his precious caramel skin and plump lips .

"He takes nothing after his mommy " I said taking a seat at the blench playing peeka-boo with him.
He was giggling a storm .

"Only his eyes" She said with confidence .

She don't have hazel eyes . The hell she talking about ? Maybe she mistaken he eye color .
I look up at her and she was smiling off . Maybe she was serious and I'm color blind .
mmmNaah . She crazy .

I simply said "ya"

She looked at her watch . "Well , it was nice meeting you !" She said grabbing the baby bag that sat on the side and hung it on the baby stroller .

"Same her" I said placing Tre'Shon in the stroller and snapping him in .

"Thanks, we should hang out sometime , Tre'Shon seems to really like you"

"We should" I nod and reach for my phone and she adds her contact in .

"Alrighty , see you around" She spoke snd began trailing away .

Woe , I think she's a nut .


I love August , I have really grown onto him as he has onto me . But , that wasn't suppose to happen . August is my Brother's enemy . What do I mean ?
When August was in the game before the fame he ran into my brother Tak . Tak whom killed August's brother Mel . I didn't want to do this , but it has to be done . Once in the game there really isn't no going back because things from your past pop up in your face in the end . Tak and I are very close . August doesn't know that Tak is my brother and that I'm suppose to bring him towards Tak's trap . Month after month I lie to Tak saying ..

"it's not the right time to do it"

"I can't get a chance"

" I'll have it done soon"

Tak is loosing patience and will eventually take it into his own hands .
I feel so horrible when I see August because he sees so much in me when all

I am is a killer .

But , mm , he doesn't know so what should it matter .

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