Chapter 4: The Forest

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Steve walked along through the forest, looking all around at the trees. The leaves swayed in the gentle breeze. The pig trotted along behind him. Steve felt that the pig needed a name, but he couldn't think of one. "Because what do you call a pig?" He explained to the pink creature. "Something funny? Something adorable? Something tough? I don't know! There doesn't seem to be any right name..."

The pig gave a snort, that sounded a little like laughter. Steve thought about that. What were some different words for laughing? Chortle, chuckle, giggle, guffaw and--

"Guffaw...Guff. That's it! How does Guff sound to you, sir pig?"

The pig didn't make a noise besides the treading on the grass. "I'll take your silence as an answer then," Steve smiled, "Guff."

. . .

The pair of them continued on for awhile, Steve looking around for any humans like himself.

He talked to Guff for awhile, but quickly realized that there's only so much you can say to a pig before you get tired of hearing snorts and grunts in response. So he busied himself in his mind, trying to think of something.

It was hard to think when he didn't have anything to remember, so he tried to think of reasons for why he couldn't remember. But that only made him more frustrated, so he tried to think of anything he could remember.

He looked back at Guff, who was still dutifully trotting behind him. "I remembered you," Steve said, "I didn't have to come up with the name for you either. You're a pig, and I'm a human."

Guff snorted.

Steve smirked, "So right now, I want to find more humans. Maybe they--" He was interuppted by a noise. A low, gurgly, growl.

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