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Lilith's point of view

After we had breakfast, they offered me the bathroom first so I took a quick shower. I put on clean panties and the jeans from yesterday. After tugging on a Guns 'n Roses shirt, which I stole from Ephraim, I put on deodorant and my parfume. I took my hair from the bun and fluffed it a bit before going to the bedroom.

I heard the front door open but didn't mind it, whoever it was probably didn't come here for me anyway. I made the bed quickly and jumped because a loud bang downstairs startled me. I ran down the stairs as fast as I could and entered the living room.

A woman stood in the living room behind Vince while Ephraim tried to calm Dashiell down. Who was probably the one to punch a hole in the wall. "What's going on?" I questioned confused as I approached Dash.

"Who are you?" The girl asked

"Shut the fûck up!" Dash snarled and my eyebrows shot up in surprise. Ephraim held his arm up and motioned for me to come to him.

"Who is she?" I countered and Ephraim pulled me to his side.

"That's Dashiell's sister, she left a couple of years ago without saying anything." He explained softly. "Now she's back but Dash doesn't want to talk to her because she left him. So can you do the talking, as like a neutral person?" I nodded.

"Stop staring at her." Dash growled lowly and I turned to him.

"Look at me." I stated but he kept his gaze on the girl. "Look at me." I ordered again, grabbing his chin in my hand and pulling him down. "Control yourself, this is not your house and not your stuff that you're breaking." I warned and he lowered his eyes to the floor.

"I'll pay for the wall." He mumbled and Ephraim assured him it was okay. After I made sure the two of then were calm, I turned to the girl behind Vincenzo.

"My name is Lilith." I said and she looked me up and down.

"You Hunter's girlfriend?" She asked, her blue eyes bright just like Dashiell's but her hair a shade or two darker.

"Doesn't matter right now." I answered. "What's your name and why are you here?"

"I'm Dana and I owe my little brother an explanation because I ran away." Dana sighed, stepping out from behind Vince.

"Go ahead." I said and she aimed her gaze at her brother.

"Dash, I'm so sorry for leaving you here by yourself but you have to understand that I couldn't stay." She whimpered.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" He snapped, not liking the vague words she used.

"Mom and dad kicked me out because I was pregnant." She blurted and Dash's eyes widened. "They said I could get rid of the baby, or leave and never look back."

"Why didn't you tell me?" Dash asked as he stepped towards her. "I would've gone with you."

"They said I couldn't let anyone know what a disgrace their daughter had become." She sobbed and I placed my hand over my mouth in shock. "Even if I did tell you, I wouldn't have let you come with me. You could never leave these two." She motioned to Ephraim and Vincenzo. Dash sighed because he knew she was right.

"Why come back now?" Ephraim asked from beside me.

"I'm getting married to the father of my children and I want you to be there." Dana stated while looking at Dash with pleading eyes. "The other two are welcome as well. Maybe the girl as well because I see what she's doing to all of you." Her eyes fixated on me like I was some kind of puzzle.

"Who is the father of your children and where are they?" Dash asked.

"They're in the car because I knew you'd need to calm down first." She answered. "I can go get them so you can meet your niece and nephew." Dash nodded in reply and gave us a glance.

"We'll be in the kitchen to give you guys some privacy." I said and dragged Ephraim along.

"What? Why?" He whined as Vince followed us. "I want to meet him too, she's like my sister as well."

"You can meet him in a bit." I said. "Just give them some alone time and then we'll go in."

"Fine." They both grumbled and sat down at the counter.

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"Has it been long enough yet?" Ephraim whined and I chuckled.

"Yes." Dash poked his head into the kitchen. "Come on, meet my cousins." He stepped in fully with a boy and a girl on each arm. "This is Carson Lionel." He said and the boy reached for Vince, who took him. I don't think I've ever seen him this excited.

"Who is this pretty little girl?" I cooed as I took her from his arms. Her blue eyes were the same as Carson's and Dash's. She giggled, making her curly brown hair bounce slightly as Dash grinned at the sight.

"How's the dad?" Ephraim asked while the girl squeezed his finger.

"He's great actually." Dash said relieved. "But he seems kind of familiar, I can't put my finger on it just yet."

"What's this one's name?" I asked as the girl reached out to touch my nose ring.

"Celeste Daniella." Dash answered and I frowned. Her name was the same as mine and my moms. "Come on meet my brother in law to be. Woah that's a mouthful." Vince followed Dash and Ephraim let me go before him.

I kept my gaze on the little girl as I murmered softly to make her giggle. "Vince, Hunter, meet my fiancé, Jerry." Dana said proudly. I noticed Vince moving away from me and then a gasp was heard.

"Lilith?" A familiar voice said and I froze. No, this can't be him. He left me a long time ago. "Lil, is that you?" I took a deep breath and looked up, my heart pounding when my eyes connected with those well known brown ones.

"Jeremiah?" I whispered, stepping back from shock but I hit Ephraim's chest. "Why? How-"

"Who are you to her?" Ephraim demanded an answer to his question.

"I'm her brother." Jeremiah replied as he stepped closer, trying to size Ephraim up. My breathing picked up as I handed Celeste to Dash.

"That's where I know him from." Dash muttered to himself in realization but I was already running up the stairs.

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