"It's frustrating, yes, but it's not worth a fight."

Crowpaw flattened his ears. "Of course it is." Crowpaw stood up, lashing his tail. "You've lived here for how long? Ivy was raised here! Those four kits were born here, they should grow up here!" Cooper narrowed his eyes slightly. "Clans fight for their territories, they aren't simply driven out by a group of scrawny rogues.

"We aren't a Clan, Crowpaw." Crowpaw couldn't help but notice Cooper raised his lip slightly at him. "We're loners who work together."

"I know you're not a Clan." Crowpaw argued. "But that doesn't mean you should let rogues drive you out!" He looked around, the cats were listening intently to him. He turned back to Cooper. "I'm not telling you to make borders or turn into a Clan, I'm just asking you to defend what you've built here. Fight back! Prove what's yours, prove to them that you'll not be easily scared off. We're not prey, we're cats. We fight, we don't turn tail and run."

Cooper closed his eyes for a moment, taking a deep breath, it almost looked like he was trying to calm himself down. Did I make him mad? Crowpaw wondered briefly, he took a small step back. Cooper opened his eyes, Crowpaw found himself unable to read the tom's expression. "As always, I don't speak for everyone here." He lifted his head. "We'll hold a vote." Crowpaw sat down. I get to vote too. Cooper looked over his shoulder, Ivy and Rudy were standing in the entrance of Ivy's den, they had probably heard the entire conversation.

"Those in favor of fighting stand up." Crowpaw instantly stood up, he looked over his shoulder and saw that he wasn't alone. Every other loner in the clearing was standing, their eyes shimmering.

"This is our home." Sabra mewed from where she stood. "Crowpaw's right, we should fight for it."

Cooper stared down Crowpaw, but he held his ground. I understand not wanting to fight, but this is my home too! I was raised as a warrior, and warriors don't turn their backs on a fight, not even MoonClan cats.

"Very well," Cooper dipped his head. "I will fight alongside you, but we need a plan." He rested his eyes on Crowpaw. "Since this was your idea, you can come up with one."

Crowpaw tensed slightly, he had to come up with a battle plan? He swallowed nervously, and took a deep breath to clear his mind. I can do this. "First of all," Crowpaw addressed the rest of the rogues. "We need to figure out what we're up against. I suggest some of us venture into the twolegplace and try and find out how many rogues are rallying behind Ripper."

"I know the twolegplace the best." Raindrop spoke up. "I can go."

"I'll go too." Crowpaw offered. "Two of us should be enough, we're just there to learn." Crowpaw looked over the four kits. "We need to hide the kits, rogues won't hesitate to hurt them."

"Me and Ivy can guard them." Rudy offered, approaching the crowd with Ivy on her tail. "We'll keep them in Ivy's den and we'll fight any rogues who get near. That way, Ivy also has quick access to her herbs in case one of us gets badly hurt."

"I have a suggestion," Sabra looked up from her kits. "While you two are in the twolegplace, perhaps you could get some other loners to help us. If we're up against more rogues than we can handle, we could offer them a safe place to live and hunt in return for them fighting for us." Sabra looked over at Cooper who was watching silently. "If that's okay with you."

"I do not control you," Cooper spoke. "I told Crowpaw to figure out a battle plan, I will follow his word. If we find some cats who wish to join us, then I'll allow it as long as they help."

"We should get some extra training in." Flint added. "We need to make sure we're ready."

"We should also have a nightly guard." Leo suggested. "Someone to keep watch so they ambush us while we're sleeping."

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